Info and forum posts by 'happysnapper'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 5th April 2001, 19:08, Last used: Thursday, 5th April 2001, 19:08

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 65 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVD-ROM and Region Free

There is a cheap program that runs in the background of ANY dvd-rom which fools it into thinking all discs are region 2. You can copy discs with it too.

Let me know what you think.

Bargain of the month at Blockbuster.............NOT !

in Ilford,Essex, has Spider-man on dvd for £16.99, BUT, for only £1 more, at £17.99 you can have a second hand, pre-viewed, ex-rental copy! What a bargain! I will never buy new again! DOH!
Local rumours that Homer Simpson runs this store are apparently untrue
Come on, Blockbuster, sort yourselves out before the common sense police storm the shop!

This item was edited on Saturday, 1st February 2003, 20:30

Help wanted in finding sci-fi dvd & I can`t remember the title........

Saw it recently in my local B*********r Video Rental shop(sorry mods!) & thought to myself, I`ll get that after Xmas. Forgot the title though! Doh!
Anyway, it is about a US warship that ends up going back in time to Pearl Harbour & they are faced with the dilemma of preventing the Japanese attack from ever happening & changing history, or not, as the case may be. Anyone know what it`s called? It was a recent film, not an old one, just in case the plot sounds a bit 80`s! Cheers guys!

Trying to find a`s a sci-fi one & I saw it in Blockbuster on the shelf

about a month ago & thought to myself, "Hmm, might watch that some time.."
Here`s the rub:- I don`t remember the title! Doh! Anyway, it`s about a US warship that goes back in time to Pearl harbour & the Captain & crew are faced with the dilemma of preventing the attack from ever happening & messing with history.
A film was made in the 80`s, with a time travel theme, The Philadelphia Experiment, but this one was recently made cos it was normal rental price in Blockbuster & had today`s actors in it. I don`t get to see too many films cos my tastes are too selective for most of the crap served up as entertainment in Blockbuster! I hope someone can help me! Cheers, guys!

RE: cheap memory

The name escapes me now, but the people who took over when Tiny computers shops closed, are selling 128 memory for £20 in their shop in Ilford-it sounds pretty cheap to me. I paid more than double that last year when I bought 128 for my pc! PCWorld are certainly NOT the dog`s testicles for these things!

Powerdvd on my pc having needed

I was viewing a dvd & tried to use the "go to" feature, which worked ok for tracks 1-8, but then when I opted to go to track 9,the last track,it stops playing & I got the following message:-
Powerdvd has caused an error in DVD_X.IMP
If you continue to experience problems try restarting your computer.

Despite several restarts, I keep getting this message. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to make it work properly & stop the message from re-appearing?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th November 2002, 19:11

Wanted: Weird Science dvd

Ok, it`s old, been on tv a zillion times & I already have a naff vhs copy of it
but I want the dvd! I have searched the net & tracked down a brand new copy from the US, Amazon I think it was, for the princely sum of 62.50 US dollars! PLUS postage! That`s over forty quid! They can NOT be serious!
New copy, or 2nd hand, I don`t care as long as it plays & has the sleeve liner with pics/titles etc & the price is reasonable!
Did I mention reasonable?

Weird Science dvd wanted........

Ok, it`s old, been on tv a zillion times & I already have a naff vhs copy of it
but I want the dvd! I have searched the net & tracked down a brand new copy from the US, Amazon I think it was, for the princely sum of 62.50 US dollars! PLUS postage! That`s over forty quid! They can NOT be serious!
New copy, or 2nd hand, I don`t care as long as it plays & has the sleeve liner with pics/titles etc & the price is reasonable!
Did I mention reasonable?
Sorry this is in the wrong forum, I was drunk...........

This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th August 2002, 18:13

RE: Dennis Wise = MUPPET.

Although Dennis is known for getting into trouble, I think that the other bloke probably deserved it. Dennis wouldn`t deck someone just for the hell of it. Too late now though, eh? I would rather he was on my side than the opposition`s!

RE: Macrovision Hack LG 5083 wanted

You need a Macromaster scart lead from

RE: Muti Region - PAL / NSTC Question

Depends entirely on your tv & when you bought it. Most, if not all new tv`s are Multi Standard & will cope with a Pal or NTSC dvd. You need to check your tv specs before you do anything else.

RE: DVD Reviewer in the press - can you help us??

I advised a guy who wrote into Web-User magazine`s website with a question about multi-region dvd players/drives to check out your site & they printed my response in their fortnightly mag, issue 28, dated 4th-17th April 2002. I hope this helps.

RE: Dvd cases-anyone know where I can buy some?

There IS a real need for the cover, I have dvd covers to slot into them! Besides, they don`t look too good folded up into a cd case!

RE: Dvd cases-anyone know where I can buy some?

Don`t ever see the postman, so it`s not a likely option. Have no dealings with Aol either! Then I saw further down (or is that up) the forum seems to be the best deal around, at about 14p each!

RE: Dvd cases-anyone know where I can buy some?

Thank you all for your help! Tesco`s sell 5 dvd cases for £3.99, but seem to beat everyone hands down & could supply nearly 24 cases for what Tesco charge for 5!

For Sale: Adult movies on vhs for sale...........

I have a number of original movies for sale(I need the room). Email me for list. Tenner each inc postage, discount for bulk buyers. Also includes the Pammy/Tommy Lee video, bought in Holland in a High Street shop, no less(still full hardcore!)

Dvd cases-anyone know where I can buy some?

Online or offline, high street or not, I want to buy some cases for some dvd`s I bought that came with none. W.H.Smith sell 3 for £3.99 which sounds like daylight robbery to me! Local poundshops don`t seem to sell them. Anyone else any ideas?

RE: 24 Hour Party People : re-living a generation........

Aha! SO, Tony Wilson is the A**hole we have to blame for the likes of the Happy Mondays/Oasis & the whole Madchester thing? He ought to be lined up with the rest of them & shot with sh*t for crimes against music!

RE: Star Wars Ranking

Is this the one, as pronounced by Jonathan Ross? Hmmm, yes, I believe I may have seen it. Can`t beat "Star Wars On Ice-The Movie" if you ask me! Who can forget the epic fight scene where darth Vader slips on his ass after Luke(use the Force boy!) missed him with his light sabre?
Saddo`s unite, it`s the only way you`ll make friends!
Suckers! Believe the hype! Sheep? Nah,been there, done that, got a life!

RE: I need a World Cup Shirt!!! help!!

England shirts £29.99 in Tesco`s, but sadly no numbers/names on them!

RE: .... has caused an error in kernel32.dll Internet explorer will now close.....

Sorry but I upgraded from 64mb of ram to 192(I bought 128 cos it was cheap) so that can`t be the problem. Any more ideas?

RE: Goin to the u.s.a.

You WILL be taxed on anything that you bought in the USA, IF you are stopped, but you will be allowed about £120 before they get their calculators out! I have been to the USA several times & been stopped twice. One time they were convinced that my camera was American, gave me the 3rd degree, tried to get me to "confess" & eventually told me that I would be in trouble when they found out it was American! I begged them to ring the shop where I bought it(in the UK) right there & then, to prove my innocence, but that was too easy for them & they chose not to, instead piled on more verbal pressure to get me to "confess" to something that I hadn`t done. Eventually they had to let me go-& I had to re-pack my bags & everything else myself! Thanks guys! The only good thing about it was that they didn`t get the rubber gloves out!
Having said all this, the chances of actually getting stopped are slim, so you have to weigh up the risks against the gains before you decide what to do. Dvd`s are deffo cheaper on the web though, so it`s not really worth it. Try of cheap stuff, all post free! Good luck!

This item was edited on Friday, 31st May 2002, 23:22

RE: .... has caused an error in kernel32.dll Internet explorer will now close.....

Except that I don`t have Windows XP! It is Windows Me! Help!

.... has caused an error in kernel32.dll Internet explorer will now close.....

Keep getting this one, or other kernel32.dll errors & don`t know why. Anyone help? I have Windows Me, Broadband & Zonealarm Pro firewall.
Tried disk defrag to no avail. (Not very techie minded, so be gentle with me!) It has only happened since I got broadband, but that may be co-incidental.

RE: Macrovision defeating kit..............

Try SCB Electronics in Manchester, tel 0161 723 5442. I can`t get the link to work, so I won`t post it, but they sell the Video Digiview which is a box of tricks which cures macrovision.Price was £69.99 a few months back. Hope this helps.

RE: DVD/Video transmitter

Bought one from PC World for about £40. Worked a treat, but picture quality is entirely dependent on the graphics card in your pc, which, on mine was absolutely average! To replace that as well was not worth it so I just bought a multi region dvd player instead. I still have the transmitter if anyone`s interested, but it`s buried in the loft somewhere so may take me quite some time to find it!