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Info and forum posts by 'robertdavis'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 13th February 2001, 08:15, Last used: Monday, 31st January 2011, 17:15

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This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Scan SC2000 - Problems - Help

NiVZ could you help
can I upgrade from 2.06 to 2.14 without having to downgrade?
If I do need to downgrade, how does one do this?
Also have you noticed any jumping / pausing of Disc`s with 2.14 or is (as far as you`re concerned) bug free
thanks for your help


RE: Scan SC2000 - Problems - Help

I borrowed Fantasia 2000 from a friend to see if similar problem occured, and yes it did just as yours did, also Eagles - when Hell freezes over, Prince - Rave Unto....

RE: scan sc2000 macro disable

For more information re Macro disable etc etc look at the Hardware Forum on this site.

I also have the same problem as you along with another annoying glitch.
I have been told that you can upgrade via a file burnt onto a CD-R and then played in your machine, this has been done successfully by others.
I am awaiting news that firmware version 214 is OK and then I will attempt the same myself. This should fix macro enable / disable problem.
If it works I will send you the disc FOC.

I will repost when / if I have had any success.


Scan SC2000 - Problems - Help

I bought a SC2000 and enabled region free (9) to watch Gladiator, region 1 version, on a number of occasions it jumped for a brief moment (just like digital sky when it freezes) and then locked up. It happened a number of times, and at different points on the disc. Is there something in setup that needs to be tweaked, or do people feel that I should return the player for a replacement?

Also my firmware version is 206, which in the faq says that I cannot make macrovision disabled, can I change this by upgrading to version 2.14?

thanks for your advice