Info and forum posts by 'The Mobile Dr42%er'
This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.
Joined on: Thursday, 17th June 2010, 11:17, Last used: Thursday, 20th October 2011, 14:35
Access Level: Elite
About this user: It`s me, the Doc.
This user has posted a total of 727 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.14 messages a day, or 0.96 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.
Recent Messages Posted:
RE: Mong-gate.
Do you know his stand up work? If not I am guessing that`s why you missed the point.
He has thanked people who have donated to the run he has already done. And its one of many things he does for Scope, raising thousands of pounds. He was not using this new thing to promote something he has been doing for years.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Mong-gate.
What a spaz. I use that in the modern sense.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Gadaffi captured.
Dead Sirte its him.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
Gadaffi captured.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Mong-gate.
It`s Herring that I follow and that`s how I know about it. I got a mention on his blog once where he wondered if it was my Hitler Sooty that gave him the idea for Hitler Moustache. (A proud moment even if it didn`t)
Yes Herring does jump over the line with both feet. But there is usually a point to it. Making you question yourself about why you laughed. Other times he is just childish. But I know that if you pulled him up on something he would enter a debate with you. Not tell his fans to abuse you.
I myself wouldn`t be bothered if someone called me a mong. But if it get put back in to common usage people start calling people with Down`s, mong again. As a large part of our society are ****s. Do we really want that?
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
A row has broken out between Ricky Gervais and various others over use of the word mong and making "mong" faces. He claims he is reclaiming the word and that it no longer means someone with Down`s syndrome. (then why the faces Ricky) He has told his followers to call anyone who disagrees with him a mong.
This has led to people like Richard Herring (who does a lot for Scope) questioning his wisdom in what he is doing.
Because of this he has been attacked on twitter with people calling him a "mong" and "spastic mong" obviously in the new use of the words.
It`s been an interesting debate. Reasoned argument on one side. Calling people a mong from the other.
Anyone been following it?
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Film about two soldiers returning home - NEED HELP ON THE FILM TITLE!
Not a scooby. Soz.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Onkyo TX-NR509 request.
I may have one kicking about from when I had the shop. I`ll have a look amongst the boxes of remotes and cables. No silly promises though.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Argos up **** creek.
Unfortunately, after sales service comes a distant second to price and convenience. Till people need it that is.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Argos up **** creek.
I have my own little rule. Whomever has the first Christmas ad that I see, don`t get my business over the period. This year it was........ Argos.
They do it to themselves.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Riot police enter Dale Farm.
It really is radio comedy gold.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Riot police enter Dale Farm.
Traveler woman to 5live reporter: the police came and beat a woman with sticks. She`ll have no face left.
5L: sorry! She will have no face left?
Tr: ey, Mary, she`ll have no forehead.
5L: Mary, are you ok?
Mary: ey, I`ll be fine.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Riot police enter Dale Farm.
Caravan on fire.
5live reporter to traveler: what happened to the caravan?
Tr: the police set fire to it.
5L: did they?
Tr: yes, the police set fire to it.
5L: it was one of your so called supporters wasn`t it?
Tr: yes.
A traveler woman has just put a curse on the council leader saying she hopes he won`t see Christmas.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
Argos up **** creek.
Half yearly operating profits drop from £54m to £3m. It`s owners who also have Homebase, have seen its profits drop 74%. (sure they are correct from what I overheard)
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
Riot police enter Dale Farm.
All sounds very swift. Described as violent on 5live.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: DVD reviewer 6 Monthly Roll call & name change update
Were you waiting on me? Sorry. Anyway, a pm is on its way.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: DVD reviewer 6 Monthly Roll call & name change update
"Just ask me I don`t suppose you have access to the account you used for that?"
I did. Anyway. No I don`t know what that email was. I think I made it just for here so I wasn`t using the shop one.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: DVD reviewer 6 Monthly Roll call & name change update
And now.
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Thursday, 17th June 2010, 12:17, which was 1 year, 1 months 14 days ago
It`s me, the Doc.
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Posted a total of 709 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 1.73 messages a day, or 12.13 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 64 messages, which is on average 2.13 messages a day.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: DVD reviewer 6 Monthly Roll call & name change update
My old profile that I don`t know how I get in to.
Forum Profile for The original 42%er MD
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Friday, 4th May 2001, 15:34, which was 10 years, 2 months days ago
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"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
Beckham for Leicester!
Strange days my friends.
Sorry for linking to the mail.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Royal Mail - I`ve heard it all now!
On one side of us is a house used to house, well, i dont know. But the people seem to change on a regular basis. Strangly, they all have the habbit of dumping their crap on our front and throwing their fag ends in to our back garden. (they do get them back by the way) If I had any post go there I`m quite sure I would never see it again.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: F1: Season 2011.
I`m sure there are plenty who.have been calling for Murdochs head on a stick will dance along to his merry tune.
I guess this will please those who knock the licence fee though.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: I have an idea for an app.
How you doing with it?
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: I have an idea for an app.
I guess so.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: F1: Season 2011.
What a ****.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Missing in Action since Login Change
Fair enough.
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
I have an idea for an app.
But wouldn`t have a clue how to go about making it real. My computer skills are zero. What would be my best route?
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: Missing in Action since Login Change
Can I ask, if someone hasn`t already. Why change the way we login?
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
IVA v Bancruptcy.
Anyone been there? What are the pros and cons of each?
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.
RE: The worse week of my life.....
I`m so sorry to here this. I saw my dad waste away, but I didn`t tell him I loved him. If you haven`t told her, don`t miss your chance.
Be strong for your dad mate.
All the best,
"Compassion is another word for gay." Psycho Paul, 2010.