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Info and forum posts by 'WOLFBLADE'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 19th March 2007, 00:10, Last used: Friday, 20th July 2007, 23:53

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Pointless!

It is not pointless to try even though you are small and young.
Eventually as you gain points if you play right you will end up a lot higher. Besides eventually all the gremlins that are higher have to die, which means that you become the gremlin that is stronger. As long as you build your gremlin to last rounds and get a few hits in you will gain good points.


This item was edited on Saturday, 14th July 2007, 20:27

Gaining points

"And here we go, only one gremlin can win by a knockout! But remember, this fight is a maximum of twenty epic rounds, and if both furry fuzzballs are still standing by then, and neither has won more rounds, the winner will be the pet who made the challenge. So if yours started the fight and neither got to end it, you`ll get the points."

This is the heading when you are about to fight. I don`t understand why I don`t get the points and be considered the winner even though I made the challenge and also even though I do more damage than the other gremlin that I challenged. Can someone help me understand?

RE: WHY FIGHT? A few pointers for the chickens!

I totally agree. Thanks for supporting my point.

What`s the point?

What is the point of challenging people if they are not going to accept the challenges. It is not right that gremlins that are low on the scale should stay low because other gremlins in it "league" are not accept challenges. So the only challenges that the low gremlins can fight are pretty much those at the top of the league. THAT IS NO COMPARISON!
Come on people if you really don`t want to play the game you should not have joined. Otherwise than that start playing so that we all can get a chance for the higher ranks and not just have to wait for the higher ups to die.

Scoring for fights that are tied

I am seriously irritated now. I am not understanding why, if the league stated that if a match is tied then the gremlin that made the challenge is pronounced the winner and gets points for the win. almost all my challenges an average of about 9 out of 10 were my gremlin made the challenge and there has been a tie, they have given the "win" and points to the other gremlin.
This is not fair and very frustrating.
I totally do not understand why this is. I think that it might be a glitch in the system but it needs to be fixed!

This item was edited on Saturday, 31st March 2007, 13:43

Tie fight scoring

I thought that it said that if you challenge another gremlin and the two make it through all twenty rounds that the gremlin who made the challenge recieved 20 "winning" points.
In my case I have never gotten them it always went to the other gremlin (even if I gave more damage then they did)
I don`t understand why this is.

Leauge Rank and details

I have updated my gremlin a few times. But the league listing still has my gremlins old details. It`s dexterity and stamina has doubled since. So what gives?