Info and forum posts by 'MalcolmM'

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Joined on: Friday, 5th January 2001, 12:12, Last used: Friday, 5th January 2001, 12:12

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Scan SC-2000 died upgrading to official 2.14 Firmware

Upgrading firmware on anything with flash memory always carries a risk - that`s why most motherboard manufacturers don`t advise upgrading BIOS unless you really need to. A few bytes get corrupted and its `goodbye`.


Further to all the posts above I do think that a lot of members of this forum are very exacting in their requirements of a DVD.

I`ve got an Aiwa that is away for repair and believe me, I envy the sort of customer service that Scan owners get. My player is still awaiting parts because Aiwa don`t have any in stock in the UK (wonder why....). Anyhow, I`ve gone out and bought a Toshiba player now and will sell the Aiwa when I eventually get it back.

I have seen a December-model Scan and the Scan picture is very good - much the same as my Toshibas in fact - I didn`t notice any pixellation or `shadows`. As to the `delay` when you press a remote button - well, my toshiba delays by a couple of seconds when I press the open/close button on the remote. This doesn`t annoy me, i just accept it. You can`t buy a £175 player and then expect it to out-perform a £300 player. The fact that it is NEARLY as good as a £300 player should be enough for you.

RE: SCAN problem...Whites too bright.

I`m not a Scan owner (I`ve got a Toshiba) but I have seen a recent Scan and the picture was actually very good indeed, with none of the problems you describe. In fact a properly working one is a very good buy.
Firstly, why not try it on another TV set just to make sure it is not related to the way you`ve connected it to the TV. Secondly, I understand that the early batch Scans DID have a problem with pixellation on dark images. It is possible that they have sent you one of these earlier machines. You need to check the firmware version. I don`t know how to do this, but I`m sure a helpful Scan owner in the `Hardware` forum will tell you if you post there.


As far as I know my machine has still not been repaired because the required parts are out of stock at Aiwa UK. Anyway, I have given up on the Aiwa and bought a Toshiba SD100. There is loads of hype about the Aiwa so when I eventually get it back from repair I`ll advertise it for £150 in the local paper and it`ll be snapped up. I don`t fancy owning a repaired player.

Aiwa seem to be a very disorganised company. When I rang them they told me that the player had been discontinued and was obsolete, yet I`ve seen posts on here claiming that new stock will arrive in March. Don`t know what to believe. Personally I would not buy Aiwa again.


Your getting confused by the semantics, Bear.

If I had bought an Aiwa and it had played DVD`s, but with very poor picture quality then I would have been able to assert that it was not `fit for purpose`.

As it is, the Aiwa played perfectly for about 6-7 weeks but then developed a fault and the picture quality became very poor. Thus, as sold the player WAS `fit for purpose` but became faulty. Any refund beyond 28 days would be `goodwill` on the part of the shop.


Sadly the law is not on my side. A retail outlet is not obliged to give a refund after 28 days, they can just offer a repair.

Aiwa UK are a useless outfit, so there wouldn`t be much point in sending a letter to them. Get a duff Aiwa and you`ll envy the treatment that Scan owners get, believe me.

By the way, I don`t consider myself particularly well educated, just average IQ. Draw your own conclusions from that.


Bear wrote:

"Quite right, microstar once referd to me and ironduke has working class sun readers , it still upsets me to this day!"

Translation for non-Sun readers:

"Quite right, Microstar once referred to Ironduke and I as working class Sun readers. It still upsets me to this day!"

I should switch newspapers Bear, mate.....


[Posted not as abuse, but in the spirit of education and better understanding]


Are you sure the `blue shadowing` on fast moving scenes isn`t actually your TV set? My TV (a Panasonic) does this a bit with Toshiba SD100, I thought it was a bit of `image persistance` in the TV tube.

RE: Aiwa shite

I`ve got a faulty Aiwa too. I don`t think their quality control is too good.
I bought mine back in at the end of October last year. It was OK for about 6 weeks and then the picture started to look washed-out.

Couldn`t get a replacement or a refund, it had to go for repair. I haven`t had a DVD player for a couple of weeks now and still have no idea when it will be fixed. Apparently Aiwa have no stock of the chip that has gone faulty. Phoned Aiwa UK but they don`t want to hear about problems - just told me to deal with the retailler.

I notice that Scan get a lot of stick on this forum, but faulty Scan`s from even months ago get replaced with a new machine. This is not the case with Aiwa, once you have had it more than 28 days it has to be repaired - no replacement.

When I get my Aiwa back from repair I won`t trust it. If anyone wants to buy it you can have it for £150. Leave e-mail address below and I will get in touch - no stupid offers though.

RE: Problem with Saving Private Ryan & Awia 370

Uh Oh....

This is a similar problem to what I had with my Aiwa.
I had the player for about two months then started to get the kind of problem you are describing (but probably worse...) Light areas on the screen like the brightness had been turned up. Do a search on this forum for more info.

Anyway, the online retailler wouldn`t do a refund or replacement (I`d had the machine too long) and insisted on a repair. I phoned Aiwa UK but they are useless and didn`t want to know. It has been away for a week now and no idea when it will come back. I have been told that this is not an uncommon problem on LG (i.e. also Aiwa machines) and that the return rate on LG DVD`s is quite high (upgrade heaven say they have had a lot of LG problems).

Anyway yours sounds quite new so take it back and get it swapped or a refund. Once you have had it more than 28 days you`re stuck with it like me. I`m not happy!

RE: Are there new players coming from LG/Aiwa?

I have a two month old Aiwa 370 that went wrong a couple of weeks ago.
I couldn`t get a replacement or a refund from the retailler, so it has been collected for repair.
I rang Aiwa UK for some repair advice - but basically they were not interested and referred me back to the retailler. I asked if they were having new players or an upgraded version of the 370, but they said no.

RE: Some friendly advice for our friend Troy

Well this is all very witty stuff (although I don`t think Oscar Wilde is turning in his grave) but it hasn`t helped me with my duff Aiwa.

It was collected today and will be away for repair for a while (God knows how long). The company have told me that the problem I have is not uncommon and they have other Aiwas back for repair too, a fault with the `video processor`???

I`m really cheesed off with this. They won`t give me a refund because I have had the player too long. My credit card company won`t help either because the transaction is just over 60 days old (their limit on `disputes`). So I am on my own with this. Last time I buy anything online. The ASDA 3 year guarantee on their DVD players looks very attractive right now.

RE: Manhattan and Raite clones; do they do the business? And the Mico ...

Irondude, if he wants an Aiwa he can buy mine. it is s***e (picture gone all pale) and I can`t get a replacement or a refund, they want to repair it and won`t tell me how long the repair will take (could be weeks).

RE: Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

Thanks, 007, but I`ve been left up the creek with this player.
I bought from an online electrical retailer in November and I rang them this afternoon to ask about a replacement. They told me that they don`t have any more and wont be selling Aiwa players for the foreseeable future (why?). I asked them for a refund but they said NO becaused I`ve had the player too long. They want to collect it to repair but won`t tell me how long the repair will take. This is all total crap. I shant buy online again.


Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

I bought an Aiwa in November but in the last week or so I have been having a problem with poor picture.
The picture was superb, but now it looks `milky`. It is rather like a TV picture when the contrast is turned down and the brightness is turned up.
I have tried the player on a different TV and even used a new SCART cable, but the problem is still there. Are there any settings on the player that I can adjust? Please help.

In addition, I have noticed that when the player is first swithed on there are white line pulses across the screen. They only last about 30 seconds and then the picture settles down. Is this normal?