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Info and forum posts by 'Bailzy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 28th October 2005, 03:23, Last used: Sunday, 11th February 2007, 13:55

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: While you`re all looking...

i remember that one, great the beginning some Ninjas attack an army chaps house iirc and he shoots most of them up with his shotgun before he buys it.

the heros throw smokebombs and in an instant are in the Ninja costumes and Manji masks, and they have to fight a guy who can burrow underground.

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st December 2006, 04:02

CRT HD-TV`s, are they really HD TV and what could you recommend???

Tell the truth i have only seen one, it`s a Samsung 32``, but i checked a forum and they were pretty vague about whether it was true HD TV or not...spec wise there was no HDMI socket but there was component which would be an improvement for me....

and the attractive thing was the price...around £500, a much better option for my bank balance as i would be very stretched at a £1000 plus LCD.


I would be watching dvd`s and gaming on it and would need NTSC support....

There`s a catch on these CRT HD-TVs if they are proper isn`t there, must be at the price.

RE: Do you think buying an xbox is a waste?

i can`t sing the praises of a modded one enough i know that much....mine is networked to the pc and allows me to do so much...the media centre software alone is fantastic

RE: Endoscopy

ive had the pleasure of two endoscopies in the past requiring biopsies of the duodernum....

its the initial, having a large object rammed down the back of ones throat (stop that!) thats uncomfortable...they spray the back with some banana tasting stuff which deadens it but theres still some discomfort, you might wretch with a relfex....but there are nurses on hand with little suction things to stop you drooling too much or in case you are sickly....( i was because i was suffering from a reflex hernia and an infection in the gut)....

once you have managed to swallow the camera though its all plain sailing and the discomfort ends and after about 1 or 2 minutes of messing about in there (you will be told to move about a bit so they can get a better view) its all over.

I was packed off with antibiotics and antacid pills and now things have calmed down totally, the hernia doesn`t play up and dont have the discomfort of the acid it was causing, so can eat my spicy foods to my hearts content again....

good luck its not a pleasant experience but its over soon enough and once you are patched up you`ll be glad you had it done......take care mate