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Info and forum posts by 'Billy Goat'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 10:49, Last used: Thursday, 31st July 2008, 09:44

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: LG DRT389H DVD Recorder

Hi - I was considering buying this too, so hope you can find a region hack! I`m amazed how little info there is about this recorder. Any reviews anywhere? Does `digital tuner` mean Freeview? Been looking for a DVD recorder that can play DIVX and upscale and receive Freeview for under £150. Suggestions welcome. (I know about the Philips DVDR5500 but reviews are poor). Ta!

RE: The Mico R311 DVD Recorder – Some FAQ to help you live with it.

" When I bought I was told it was dead,looked at the power supply and somebody had removed a capacitor from it,just put another one in and checked all the voltages,they were all correct put the supply back in and it worked.
The drive is not an IDE fitting, theres 2 delicate ribbon cables from the left of it that connect it to the mainboard and a fairly big fan fixed on the drive."


From the above you clearly know your capacitors from your elbow.. unlike me!

Not sure if you bought the 311i but was wondering (in my ignorance) whether it was possible to `hack` the i-Link/firewire input so that it could be used like a DVD drive for saving data files to, from a firewire output on a computer.. particularly a Mac?

Also, when you had a look inside, was the burner branded in any way?


RE: MICO Espejo R311. DVD Recorder. I have one. First thoughts.

Thanks for the reply, but I`m not sure what you mean by `RGB out`. I use scart leads. Anyway, I just solved the problem by plugging the scart lead into the TV`s other (2nd) scart input.

Does anyone know if it is possible to customise the `splash screen`/menu (or whatever its called). I really don`t like the distracting ugly `Mico - we aim to please` background and I`d like to be able to change all the text information, not just the title of each title.

Also, has anyone with the 311i tried connecting their PC/Mac via the iLink/Firewire input? I know its designed for receiving from DV camera, but I wondered if their was a hack to make it work like a DVD drive? For eg. so that you could use it for data storage off your PC/Mac or even access just the menu screen so that you could customise it?

I know its a long shot but surely its not impossible?

RE: MICO Espejo R311. DVD Recorder. I have one. First thoughts.

That is the most annoying thing about the remote. It`s so easy to lose your place. I wonder if there is a way of dividing the fast forward from the chapter skip buttons by using my `OneForAll` remote instead?

I just bought a 311i for £99.99 from Sainsbury`s and on the whole I`m mightily impressed... I should say though, this is my very first DVD kit of any kind!

My main questions...

When I monitor the TV via the Mico, the TV picture is a lot brighter and more colourful than what I would like. Shouldn`t it be closer to the picture that I view directly from the TV?

More worryingly, although I can adjust the TV brightness and contrast while viewing via the Mico, I can`t seem to adjust the colour at all? I can see the OSD for the colour going all the way down to zero, but this has no effect on the TV picture via the Mico. If at this point I switch directly to the TV, it has lost all colour as I would expect it to.

Is this a fault? Does anyone else have the same problem? And in any case, shouldn`t the general colour balance, brightness etc be a lot closer to the TV original so that I don`t have to keep adjusting it every time I switch?

BTW thanks for all the informative posts. I read them all before I gathered up the courage to by the Mico!