Info and forum posts by 'bernard1138'

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Joined on: Sunday, 17th October 2004, 21:55, Last used: Monday, 21st March 2011, 23:40

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 23 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The Jacket - superb!

The first hour was really good but it just kinda fizzled out at the end. Disappointing.
And, as previously stated, full of plot holes.

RE: Land Of The Dead Trailer Is Up......

Dawn of the Dead 2004 was a great zombie film. I don`t know why people keep knocking it. It was a remake, but so what? A good film is a good film.
Romero created the genre for sure. But he hasn`t made a decent film since Day of the Dead....and that was 20 years ago.
It`s the same with Tobe Hooper. He only made one good film. Everything since has been rot (except Poltergeist...but let`s face it...Speilberg directed that in all but credit).
And yet when The Toolbox Murders was released it was announced as "Tobe Hooper`s The Toolbox Murders"....and guess what? That`s was trash.
John Carpenter went the same way. So many great films (The Fog, Escape from New York, Assault on Precinct 13, Big Trouble in Little China, In the Mouth of Madness) and yet it all went so, so bad (Escape from L.A, Ghosts of Mars!).
There`s talk that because all of these directors have had their benchmark films remade why can`t they get a decent directing gig.
But, aside from their benchmark films, their output has been largely inconsistant......
The Dark Half, Tales from the Darkside, Bruiser, Monkey Shines, Knightriders...I want to say Creepshow as well but I love that film.......
I`m not questioning the effect they`ve had on the genre...but it doesn`t automatically earn them the right to continue directing major studio pictures...they have to prove themselves to earn that.

RE: Land Of The Dead Trailer Is Up......

I`m still not sure about this yet. The online script was weak, the trailer uses death metal music from Resident Evil and the Zombies look cr*p.
Good to know it`s coming soon though. This and Star Wars 3 are my must sees of the summer.

OPTIMAX, Bristol are awful

If anyone is considering lazer eye surgery with this company I would suggest a re-think.
To call them incompetant is an understatement.
For such a critical opperation their customer service is disgraceful.
There was no empathy for patients at all. Naturally I was apprehensive and nervous but not once was I given any reassurance.
The doctor failed to opperate several items of basic equipment during my consultation which was very alarming.
I didn`t go through with the opp in the end when I notice a large amount of dirt on one of the basic eye examination devices.
This was just one of many mishaps in just one hour.
And it cost me £60 to be told I had "bad eyesight". I already knew that.
It was why I was there.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th April 2005, 18:02

When are they gonna make a Transformers film?

Having watched the recent car advert featuring the dancing robot car (which, let`s face it, is a Transformer in all but name ) it`s really wetted my appetite for a live action Transformers movie. I`ve heard many rumours about it but nothing seems to be concrete.
Has anybody heard anything more reliable?
And who would be good for the voices?

Optimus Prime?

This item was edited on Friday, 21st January 2005, 20:40

RE: My very own DVD listed on Reviewer... :D

I`m not quite sure how a film like like this got the financial backing to get an official release but I am interested in viewing it.

This item was edited on Monday, 17th January 2005, 18:08

RE: Alien vs Predator

The Region 3 release has more extras than Region 1.
Loads more it seems.
I was going to buy R1 but I saw the R3 was cheaper and available earlier so I bought it instead.

And the original intro is cool, they should`ve left it in. It ties in nicely with the scene in Predator 2 when Danny Glover is given the antique pistol.
I know everybody thought this film sucked but if I thought it was okay. there`s a film that sucks glans.

Does anyone know quick drinking games?

The simpler ones would be best.....

RE: Chronicles of Riddick

The Directors cut did seem slightly better that the theatrical one though I barely noticed anymore violence.
It`s still not a very good film though.
Kinda like if Battlestar Gallactica had eaten Dune it would`ve shat this monstrosity out.

BLADE TRINITY: What went wrong?

Just watched this and I have to say that it was a real letdown.
Even after reading the negative reviews I was expecting it to still be midly entertaining.
And even though it has a couple of cool moments and the odd hilarious one liner scattered here and there it just seems as if David Goyer couldn`t really be arsed with it all. Most probably becuase he`s got his finger firmly placed in the resurrected Batman franchise.

Whistlers death seeed almost inconsequential. He was a major character from the first two movies and yet Blade didn`t seem to give a s***. So we, the audience, didn`t either

The action was lame and the fight sequences (notoriously good in the first two) were awkward and disjointed.
Jennifer Biel sat naked in a shower was the only real highpoint and even then the filmmakers couldn`t do us the honour of actually showing some full on nudity.
What a shame. Seeing her b*sh would`ve given the film at least two extra points.
As it is I`d give it an anaemic 4/10.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 22:03


I`ve just found one of Paul Ross` reviews for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
This one really takes the biscuit.
I assume he`s talking about when Qui Gon and Obi Wan are travelling through Naboo`s underwater core.

"The best underwater in space sequence...EVER!"

I kid you not. That is 100% real.
How much competition did that scene really have?
How many other "Underwater in space" sequences are there?
I can`t think of any!
Mr Ross, underwater sequences in space is not a genre like action or horror.

Hang your head in shame young man. :p

This item was edited on Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 21:51


That`s an oxymoron. The guy never reviews films.
It`s all quotes like "the best action film in the world ever!" or "the best romantic comedy in the world ever!"
Christ, the d*ckhead even called Solaris "the best science fiction film in the world ever".
I liked the film, but that statement is a stretch.
All the media slag wants to do is get his friggin name on the film`s poster, which seems to happen all the time.
Paul Ross, you are the worst film critic in the world EVER!
And you can quote me on that

This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 19:56

RE: *Spoilers* LOTD script available online. *Spoilers*

I really hope this script isn`t what makes it to screen. So many people complained about the DOTD remake yet the script for this just seems weak, really weak and totally unnecessary. George A Romero has a tenuous track record. The only decent films he`s made have been the dead trilogy. The rest have ranged from okay (Monkey Shines) to really awful (Dark Half). After reading the latest script it seems this may fall into the latter category.
And bloody Zombie Rats!

RE: switchblade romance

I think it`s going to be considered a modern day classic. A horror film that`s not afraid to scare people, unlike so many other recent attempts. No doubt Hollywood will remake it and water it down considerably.

RE: switchblade romance

The new trailer is a vast improvement over the French version. Great music too.

RE: The Punisher (2004) DVD

For such a `seasoned` forum user your reaction seems rather aggressive. It was only a playful remark. I`m sorry you were so offended by it.

This item was edited on Saturday, 6th November 2004, 20:47

RE: The Punisher (2004) DVD

All viewpoints are subjective of course

Dude, this film sucked major ass, there`s no two ways about it.
I`m glad your wife liked it but let`s face it, she must be a lot easier to please than you really think.

This item was edited on Friday, 5th November 2004, 18:06

RE: The Punisher (2004) DVD

I wouldn`t be in any rush to buy this on ANY region. I`ve just watched it and it`s pretty sh*te! Kinda like an eighties film that should`ve been left on the rental shelf at blockbuster. The Dolph Lungren version of this was actually better and that was pretty darn cr*p!


Play Asia have advertised an `Ultimate Edition` (in addition to the director`s cut version) with more extras than any other release to date but it gives no details of what the extras actually are. It`s due to be released in November.
Has anybody seen anything about this edition elsewhere?

RE: switchblade romance

I`ve just watched the uncut Thai version of this. It has a dubbed English langauge track but no original French track. The dubbing isn`t great but it`s acceptable enough as there isn`t that much dialogue anyway. Awesome film by the way, SPOILER:
even if decapitation by chest of drawers is a little far fetched.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th October 2004, 20:28

switchblade romance

has anyone seen this yet? I`ve heard some fantastic eviews.