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Info and forum posts by 'The Falcon'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 29th April 2003, 16:11, Last used: Wednesday, 25th March 2009, 23:50

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 79 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: £2 off cd-wow vouchers.

Had the same email. I`d be doing the same right now, but as I am having to make some changes to my home cinema I won`t be watching any movies for about a month. Let`s see if they can get it to me by then!!


I also have the FMJ AV9 Processor and P7 Power Amplifier up for auction.


[+P]£585.00[-P][+D]24th February 2008[-D][+I]190199013273[-I]For anyone looking for a superb Home Cinema Receiver that is excellent for both Movies and Music.

RE: Auction: Brand New BT Home Hub and Handset Limited Edition Black

I have had to end my auction for the BT hub and phone. My brother`s hub has gone faulty just outside the warranty and BT want £90 for a new one. He gave this one to me a few months ago because he didn`t need it, so I think it`s only right to let him have it back. This is the first auction I have ever had to end early and I am sorry if I have let anyone down by doing so.

RE: £2 off cd-wow vouchers.

I used my £2 voucher to order the DC of Zodiac too. I got a delay email on the 13th. If they cancel the order it will be the last time I ever bother using them. When I got the delay email the first thing I did is check the price on DVD Pacific. If it had been cheaper there, I would have cancelled my order with CD-Wow and got it from DVD Pacific.

It`s so annoying that they do not have stock of a DVD that has been out for over a month, especially when it is the only release of the DC available in the world (so far). With that fact in mind, I`m pretty sure this DVD is popular, so why would it take so long to get stock of it when all the other online retailers seem to have it in stock. It`s not like it`s a limited edition title that is in short supply.

At one stage CD-Wow was my main source for DVD`s. Unfortunately, with their increased prices, fewer vouchers and money off links, lack of stock, slow shipping times and also not yet offering Blu-Ray titles, there is little incentive left to buy from them and are now way down my list or sources.

Auction: Brand New BT Home Hub and Handset Limited Edition Black

[+P]£0.99[-P][+D]24th February 2008[-D][+I]190198993710[-I]See eBay for details.

RE: Forza 2 on XBOX 360 only £9.99......

Thanks to the OP. Personally I have no preference over Xbox 360 or PS3, even though Sony has what seems to be the better hardware, but Microsoft has the far superior online experience (obviously thanks to their knowledge from MSN). I sold my Forza 2 expecting GT5 to be out next month, but it`s just the Prologue rubbish, so pretty pointless in my opinion (other than to get a bit of practice for the full release) so Forza 2 on the 360 is what you want right now, and then in September we will see if GT5 can improve on it. Also, as far as I can make out, Japan seems to have got GT5 Prologue as a free download, so why the hell do we have to pay for it in the UK??

This item was edited on Sunday, 3rd February 2008, 01:11

RE: The X Files The Complete DVD Collector`s Edition £51.97 Be Quick!

Agreed mbilko, I have done the same. Luckily I have not spent quite as much with them as you have. I use quite a few sources for my collection, but potentially I could have spent quite a lot more with them. I`ve spent close to £1000 on DVD`s just in the past month, but Amazon won`t be seeing anymore of my money.

RE: spider-man trilogy deluxe 6 disc set £17.99

You`ve ordered the standard one. The deluxe one is on the site at £29.99.

RE: Scart freeview connector £24.99 + delivery at Ebuyer

Can anyone who has this item please confirm if it outputs RGB or just standard composite video? Thanks in advance.

RE: Ordering from DVD Import....

I ordered a DVD from them about 3 weeks ago and it`s still pending, even though they have it in stock.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th October 2005, 12:16

RE: Money off vouchers from CD WOW

Well well well, beaten by a "Sunday League" Team eh? Hands up who feels silly? 50p vouchers all round then I guess!! :D

RE: Virgin Sale

The Birmingham branch had the Hannibal Lecter Box Set for £14.99.

RE: Sony DVPPQ2 portable DVD Player & Spiderman DVD = £51.99

If that was really the way Sony felt, then they would not sell very many DVD Players. It`s very difficult to find a player from any manufacturere that cannot be hacked or upgraded now-a-days. A player that cannot play all regions is dead in the water. I am pretty sure that this model can be upgraded. In fact, I can find out, if there is anyone that really needs to know. It may not be a simple do-it-yourself upgrade, but it shouldn`t cost any more than £50 to get it done. By the way, this model has been reduced in price at most places that stock it. It is generally £80 (or less) anywhere at the moment. I can tell you that the original cost price would have been at least £60 plus VAT, so £52 is a bargain!!

RE: Leather Recliner

Cheers for the post MicoMan, it`s very much appreciated.

There`s a Focus not too far from me, so I popped in on the way home to see if it was worth it. I`m so glad I did, as it`s well made and pretty comfortable.

Okay, so it`s no La-Z-Boy, but it`s only £100 and it`ll do for now!!

RE: Bargain of the year 2003. What was yours ?

Although there have been quite a few, I think that the biggest bargain I have had, by far, would be Star Trek Next Generation Series 1-6 Box Sets for £15 each from Virgin. Although I then had to pay £45 for Series 7 from HMV (which I really didn`t mind - of course), it means I got the whole lot for £135. Not bad for £595 worth of DVD`s, I`m sure you`ll agree!! :D

RE: Star Trek SE films

Check your local HMV first, they had parts 1-3 for £8.99 each and also part 4 for £9.99.

RE: Hulk Hands 14.99 Play 247

Okay, I promise this will probably be my last post on the subject.... maybe....


You were not talking about the toy hands at all, so don`t even try to claim that you were. You never even mentioned them in your bitchy comments about the film. You can try all you like to say otherwise, but it`s there for everyone to see.

Oh wow, I made a mistake about the Siskel/Ebert thing, whoopie-doo. Do I feel silly? No I don`t. The reason for this is that I have never seen them anyway, I just remember seeing something about "Siskel and Roeper" recently, so I just assumed. Fact is, I`m sure everyone knew what I meant.

YES, I openly admit to buying the DVD. I even paid extra for the Box Set. It`s not exactly expensive, and I admit that I want to buy and watch the recent "comic book" remakes. What I don`t appreciate is you calling me a fool. I will refrain from the blatant name-calling, but please feel free to read my movie quote at the bottom and take from it what you will (should be obvious enough).

**Spoilers imminent**

I`m wondering why you didn`t enjoy the film. Okay, so it was never going to be that similar to the TV Series or the Cartoon, that was pretty obvious. My guess is that you have never even seen or read the Comic though. From two short trailers that I have seen of the film, my money would be on most of the ideas coming from the Comic. Which is why the Hulk is so big and does the over-the-top things he does, like swinging tanks around and throwing them. Add the usual Hollywood gloss-over and a modest special effects budget and you have a film that will be a big hit, but still not keep everyone happy.

**Spoilers end**

Or maybe it is a great film and you just think it`s a pile of crap. Maybe you went to the Cinema and paid out more than I have for the DVD. It soon mounts up. A couple of tickets and drinks and maybe a little popcorn. On top of that, let`s face it, the Cinema isn`t exactly the best place to enjoy a film. A decent Home Theatre is where it`s at now-a-days. Sure, it`s never quite the scale of the Cinema, but there are more benefits to watching a film at home if done properly. So maybe you`re a Rent-Boy and you watched it at home. Maybe, just maybe, your system isn`t quite up to it. Maybe that`s why you don`t enjoy films. Just a thought.

What has Bush got to do with anything? Talk about clutching at irrelevant straws. I don`t have a problem with people voicing their opinions, in fact, feel free, voice your opinions on any movie you want. While you’re at it, why don`t you voice your opinion on every movie ever made. Just one thing (as chewie has already stated) go and do it in the Software Forum.

I`ll leave you with "that" quote then....

"He started it! F***ing cock-knocker!" Banky Edwards - Chasing Amy.

This item was edited on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 00:44

RE: Hulk Hands 14.99 Play 247


You`ve sure come a long way since the Back to the Future posts. Now you`re an authority on good and bad films. Siskel clearly made a big mistake teaming up with Roeper after the unfortunate death of Ebert (God rest his soul), because clearly YOU are the man for the job. Oh, by the way, I`m being sarcastic!!!!

If you actually click on the link and realise that this post is about a good price on a pair of toy Hulk hands, you`ll feel rather silly for bitching about the film. Personally, I`ve not yet seen it, but I have it on the way to me. I am not expecting it to be such a good film, but I`m sure it`s worth watching, even if only once. Let`s face facts, if ALL films were as good as we expect (or wanted) them to be, we would have to buy every single film that is ever released. I already have a large collection, and I spend a little too much on DVD`s as it is. So anyway.... I bought the film, now hunt me down and beat me, or at least you can try too. If you email me I`ll even give you my address!!!!


Nice spot. They do seem to be £19.99 everywhere else. I`m going to order a pair and stock up on batteries, then I`m going to sit back and wait for Saqib. Damn, I`m going to enjoy smashin and bashin his brain into a pulp!!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th November 2003, 22:37

RE: Bargain Boxsets at HMV

Yes, it`s the Special Edition. The box set includes the 2-Disc versions of both JFK and Any Given Sunday.

RE: Richer Sounds "open box" sale.

Just a normal day of trading at Richer then!!

RE: Avril Lavigne`s My World DVD + audio CD - 8.99 at CD-WOW

It looks like one is a DVD with a bonus CD and the other is the CD with a bonus DVD. Although the content seems to be the same. It`s either pay less and get it in a 2-Disc CD Case, or pay a bit more for it in a 2-Disc DVD Case.

RE: Yamada 5520 DVD player

Now that`s a bargain!!!! Great spot.

RE: Another cheapo DVD player

Stato_uk - I am more than happy not to know you too. Seems there is one thing that we agree on!! I have no problem with seeing a DVD Player at £30, in fact, it brightens up my day. I never assumed you were buying one, I was merely saying that I don`t care if you do. What the hell does what car I drive have to do with anything? For your information, I don`t drive a car. I haven`t been able to afford an Aston Martin, so I haven`t bothered!! "things are mass produced on a large scale using similar industrial machinery and techniques, and therefore suffer from similar manufacturing flaws as each other." - proving one of my earlier point. Just thought I would point something out - if a child damages a DVD Player, through the "hammering some kids give stuff", then you have no warranty. One last thing, I really wish I had a LaserDisc collection, but unfortunately I missed out.

RE: Another cheapo DVD player

I have removed my comment as people seem to have totally missed the point!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 13:46

RE: Another cheapo DVD player

I have removed my comment as people seem to have totally missed the point!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 13:46