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Info and forum posts by 'Matt R.'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 4th December 2002, 01:17, Last used: Wednesday, 4th December 2002, 01:17

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 2 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: XBOX or Playstation??

who needs that amount of save memory anyways?? thats just my point the xbox looks like a hifi seperate its enormous and for the size of it it just doesnt work. there is really no point it having a hard disc at this stage, possibly for when it gets online yes but even then there is no point if you own a pc! who wants to use the unweildly xbox controller to surf the net when you can just as easily use the pc (i know the xbox has a keyboard / mouse but thats even more outlay) ? and use decent isp software too. the xbox has moslty rehashed dreamcast games like jet set future, gotham city racer, gt 2002, doa3 to name many others, that just dont compete with gran turismo, gta 3 / 4
and the future line up isnt looking that great for xbox. im impartial here i own both an xbox and a ps2, and in my opinion the xbox really is a stripped down pc. except its not upgradable like a pc. the ps2 is just for dvd / games and xbox has spread itself to thinly trying to be a pc and a games station at the same time. yes the graphics on some xbox games are better but for the most part the xbox exculsive games are rubbish compared to the ps2 exclusive games, so who wants better graphics when the game plays like a dead duck? the games that are also on xbox, gamecube and ps2 equally all have the same graphics, exactly the same, otherwise the xbox and gamecube games wouldnt be released at the same time.
get a ps2 if not then a gamecube then a dreamcast and then an amiga and then just paint the wall coz even thats more fun than playing a xbox

RE: XBOX or Playstation??

There really isn`t any point getting an xbox anymore. when ps2 and xbox finally get online next year xbox will be competing directly with the pc market rather than against the ps2. that is because more of the mutli-palyer games coming out will be both xbox and pc. assuming you have a pc ( how else would you post here lol) why just get a downgraded pc (xbox) as well? especially with the poor controller that the xbox provides. the only real online gaming option at the moment is the dreamcast, which surprisingly in that respect is far superior than both the xbox and ps2 strange! gamecube will have online gaming but its not really an option unless you are 10 years old or under as most of the games are aimed at that market with a few exceptions. the ps2 is the poorer of the other console hardware but has a vast array of games and will offer different online games than the xbox and pc offering the same. if you didnt have a computer id say get an xbox, but seeing as you do own one just get a ps2