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Info and forum posts by 'briwelshboy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 19th July 2002, 15:40, Last used: Friday, 19th July 2002, 15:40

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: I have a technika 203 with a sync sound problem

Hi can anyone help me, i have a technika 203, with sound problems, when i play a region one disk. It seems as though the sound is out of sync is there a way of curing this problem.
thanks bri

RE:Please can someone be kind enough to help me with a hack for a technika 203

H, thank you for taking the time to read my request, i`m trying to find a multi region hack for a technika 203 dvd player from tesco`s. I tried the code that was on here think it was for the wharfdale but it doesnt work for some reason. can anyone help me i would very much appreciatte any help.
Thank you all

RE: Request help from all dvd experts and phillips owners

Dear Andy,
Can i have some advice on my phillips 622 dvd if possible I`m not sure if you can help me but here goes.Past few days When i have stopped the dvd under the dvd symbol in the top left hand corner a number appeared first it was 7 then ten and today it was 14. I was wondering if I have put the wrong code in and that i have accidently put in the code that locks the regions in after 25 uses. As I was wondering what the numbers in the corner of the screen where for. Hope you can help me best wishes to you brian

RE: Request help from all dvd experts and phillips owners

Dear Andy,
thank you so much for all your help, i follwed your instructions and i think I must have put in the wrong number first time so i did it again typed 0539 magic the 085 then got the line of dots------------- entered the number 222 222 005 255 and it worked amazing...Thanks for you help and your time Andy it is very much appreciated. And well i cant thank you enough, and happy viewing to you.
best wishes
Oh stipid question i know but I can use either remote now or do i have to use the one for all

RE: Request help from all dvd experts and phillips owners

Dear Andy_Da,
Thanks for your help Andy, it was very nice of you to take the time in your busy day to write to me with advice on my phillips 622 dvd. I do have one question, for you if you can help me. According to one of the pages its says if you use the phillips remote one that it locks you out after 25 times is that so, or do you have to re-enter the number ....
Thank you again Andy for your help.
best wishes

Re: Question Please can someone finally help me with my philips dvd hack

According to the infomation using your dvd one for all remote you enter 0539 and magic the 085....Lik i said I did this but I had the line of dots example

and then the numbers where shown on the screen 0539085-----. But now I have been told that once you enter this code you have to enter a new one as well this being 222 222 005 255 using the remote that came with my philpis.
But I have a question on one of teh advice pages it says that if you use a the philips hand set that it locks after 25 times, which is not much good then so is this the count that unlocks it fully or just partley..And am i doing this right help please

Request help from all dvd experts and phillips owners

I have a philips 622 dvd..i follwed the instructions on the site bt note sure if I did it right.So yesterday had another go. anyway I put the code in 0539 then magic 085 but unlike before it came up where there was a line of

like this so i`m not sure if I have done it right, but not all the dots where filled just the ones with 0539085-------.Acording to some I have now got to use my philips hand set and I have to put in another code begining with all 22222, is this true or is it the first one ..I`m finding this a bit confusing so please I woudl appercaite andy help so i can unlock my machien so it plays region one as well as region two etc. Thanks for your patience

Help please ! For Phillips 622 dvd remote hack

I have a phillips 622 dvd player...I read the piece, on how to get the dvd player to play multi region..So I poped down to my local store and got what i thought was a one for all 4 digitail remote control. When i got back i found it was a one for three. but it had the dvd thingy button on it..(See very technical knowledge there )..Anyway put the code for the tv and the video the 0539 and magic then 085 but nothing.. in the piece it says something about a code sec or something like that do i have to put that in first. And could anyone help me, with some plain english advice for a non nerd..As all this techinacl stuff is a bit baffling..I hope one of you guys can help me thanks for taking the time and patience to read this best wishes to you all and thanks again.

This item was edited on Friday, 19th July 2002, 19:23