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Info and forum posts by 'ar3577'

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For me one of the worst films I have ever seen was DRIVEN starring stallone, absolutly complete cr*p.

Oh also rancid aluminium certainly lived up to it`s first name as well !!


Thanks for all your comments

Thanks for everyone that has added comments here, but hey lets not get into a fight ourselves.

I think it just proves that the prospect of war is an incredibly difficult situation to be in and there is no easy solution, but maybe on the face of things a little more time should be given to ensure that it`s a UN led invasion rather than a US one. As at the end of the day I feel that a few months longer is not going to do any harm, as long as it is tightly controlled so that we don`t slip into the 4 years of investigations like last time.


RE: I`m not against war but can someone remind me how all of this suddenly kicked off a few weeks ag

Ok, I remember the weapons inspectors going back in, and I know they are still fighting against Al-Quaeda in Afghanistan, something that I applaud all the guys and girls out there, and the last thing I want is for a full blown war unless there really is no alternative.

But my question still remains, how come they suddenly decided to get the weapons inspectors back in Iraq ?

It just seems to me that they have evidence about this and that, but by not showing/declaring what it is, many people are against the allies.

One thing I can`t understand is why do we go in now to stop the tyrannical leader, when we wouldn;t go in to help save the lives of thousands of Iraqies killed by this man.

Maybe I should give up trying to get my head round it all, at the moment I just don`t know, even though I listen to the news, see the reports etc etc..

Am I the only one or does anyone else feel like this ?

I`m not against war but can someone remind me how all of this suddenly kicked off a few weeks ago?

Don`t get me wrong, I believe that if there is no alternative to war then it is right that we prepare and support our country and our allies all the way.

It`s just that I must have fallen asleep when this all first kicked off one minute were bombing afghanistan the next we forget about that and go in to kick iraqs ass.

Did I miss something, what are the reasons for all this ??

I`d be grateful if you could fill me in !

(NOTE: This is not a debate about should be go to war or the like just wanted a place where we can put all the actual known facts together)



Anyone know of any Macrovision Hacks for H&B 5415s ?

Just got myself a H&B 5415s, it`s great and all that but i was expecting it to be macrovision free but it`s not.

Does anyone know of any remote hacks for it of new firmware I can download to put this right.


RE: COMET BOGOF - inc. Black Hawk Down

I went into mine (wolverhampton) last night and BHD was not out on the offer stand. So I asked at the counter and they knew nothing about it and said it can`t be as it`s only just out !

So I insisted it was and after removing half the dvd cupboard they found a BHD with a BOGOF sticker on it and so I got that and Saving Private Ryan.

The other bonus was that she swiped SPR and not BHD so I got both for £17.99 not £19.90. BARGAIN !!

Lynyrd Skynyrd "Freebird"

This solo rocks and I have never heard and doubt I ever will hear a better solo. I can dream about playing like that and it`s as close I am ever going to get !! Just skip the song to 1minute 58seconds into the track, turn up the volume kick back and rock !

Question on the original naked Gun film

Okay, maybe someone here can settle a dispute I have been having with a friend for a couple of years.

In the original Naked Gun film right at the end when they are at the top of the steps of the baseball stadium, Frank is wearing an umpires protective vest that looks normal. When the bad guy takes Jane hostage I remember frank also taking a woman hostage that was using a phone nearby.

There is a struggle and the bad guy shots frank in the chest and his vest deflates, on surviving he then shoots the bad guy with his cufflink darts.

However, my mate thinks that this is rubbish and never happened, but I cannot find the full ending anywhere.

Would it be on the latest dvd release ? or can anyone else agree with me.

If I am right, does anyone know whay this has been cut out of the film, as all the times it`s shown on tv/s*y it just shows frank with the normal vest and then in the change of one frame he is then in a deflated vest.

please help !



RE: Which internal fuse for H&B 5415s

Thanks for your advice. I think I will do as you say and get the old one out to ensure I can get an identical replacement.



Which internal fuse for H&B 5415s


I have recently lost all power to my player and can only assume that it is the internal fuse as I have checked everything else, and up until the other day it was working fine.

Does anyone know which fuse I would need to buy to replace the existing one ? Or can someone point me in the right direction as to where I should be looking if I open up the player and look inside ?

Any help would be appreciated.



Queen - The Platinum Collection only £11.92

Currently Amazon have the platinum Collection by Queen for only £13.99. this is for a 3 disc box set.

Bargain !!

RE: H&B DVD-5415s DVD Player -- Help Please!

You might have been unlucky, but more likely there is a fault with the player. I bought mine from amazon and it has so far played everything I have thrown at it and it is unlikely that you would get 4 out of 5 corrupt dvd`s, but I may be wrong.

Contact amazon see if they have any helpful advice.


RE: Playing MP3s on the H&B 5145S

I assume that you have already got some MP3`s on a cd.

First question, are you just putting the cd in and pressing play, or have you changed the mode using the the osd (or something like that, one of the 4 small buttons on the right hand side of the remote).

This brings up a blue screen file manager.

If you get this far, then you should be able to use the directional keys on the remote to choose which folder you want to look in (this is the left hand list on the screen). The right hand side will show either sub folders or the tracks if it`s a track just press play and away you go, if a sub folder, press play, then repeat above as required until you get to your desired track.

If you have tried all of this then I don`t know what else to suggest other than testing the cd out on another device.

Hope this helps.


RE: H&B DVD-5415S/4420S player

Well I bought a 5415s few weeks ago from amazon and I have to say that I am really pleased with it. It will play everything I throw at it (dvd`s, cd, vcd, svcd, mp3 cd-r, cd-rw).

The features on it are for me fantastic for the money you pay, it is true multi-region as well, and comes with a built in dolby decoder with direct 5.1 outputs. (just a shame that i don`t have surround system !).

Only downside for me was that the version I bought did not have macrovision disabled so you can`t record your dvd`s, but there is a way you can get round this.

It is my first dvd player, so I cannot compare it with another, but I am really pleased with it, and it looks damn fine as well.

Hope this helps

Andy :-)

RE: h&b 5415 dvd how good

Well I bought a 5415s few weeks ago from amazon and I have to say that I am really pleased with it. It will play everything I throw at it (dvd`s, cd, vcd, svcd, mp3 cd-r, cd-rw).

The features on it are for me fantastic for the money you pay, it is true multi-region as well, and if you have a dolby decoder or dts system, then it has direct 5.1 outputs as well (just a shame that i don`t have one !).

Only downside for me was that the version I bought did not have macrovision disabled so it you can`t record your dvd`s, but there is a way you can get round this.

It is my first dvd player, so I cannot compare it with another, but I am really pleased with it, and it looks damn fine as well.

Spiderman Out at Cineworld this weekend for 3 days

Just to let you know, I have just been told that spiderman is being shown in advance previews this weekend at all cineworld cinemas in the UK. I`m personally not that bothered by the film but I know there are a lot out there who would like to see it asap.

Sorry if you already knew about this.


H&B 5415s Macrovision Workaround (sort of !!)


I recently posted on here that I was loking for a hack to disable macrovision on my H&B dvd player. After loads of searching I had no luck, but remembered what someone told when I had itv digital. I was told that if I purchased a multi scart connector from Argos (catalog no: 534/0370) and connected it up it would disable macrovision.

Well I was sceptical but as it was only £9.75 as opposed to the £30 scart cables that are around (plus they offer a 16 day money back guaruntee), I gave it a shot.

I have to say I didn`t think it would work, but it does and now I can record films until my hearts content, so sorry for going on a bit, but wanted to share this little gem wit all you guys here as it may save some of you some money.


RE: 2 DVD`s for £12.99 at HMV...Warner & EV Back Catalogue

Just got back from the HMV in stoke and the BOGOF deal is sound. Got loads (and I mean loads) of top films in the sale, like Heat, Casiono, Crouching Tiger etc.... Loads of good offers, got me 4 dvd`s for £25, so no complaints here.

RE: Check this site other great movies at even better prices

okay so the films in the offer above are not great, but look around the site and you can get Shawshank Redemption for only £6.99 inc delivery. There are quite a few good deals at 6.99 and a load @9.99. The cd`s there are a good price as well.

So check it out.

Got me Shawshank, Sleepers and Family Man (for my girl) for only £23 inc delivery. BARGAIN.

Thanks for pointing this site out.

Macrovision Hack for H&B5415s ??

Does anyone know of a remote hack to disable macrovision for the H&B 5415s ??


H&B 5415s Help !!

I have just bought a H&B 5415s and so far for the money it looks to be a good deal. However, the user manual is somewhat limited, and does not give any help about connecting the dvd player to my stereo with fibre optics lead.

I tried just pluggin it in and got no sound, tried playing with a few of the settings, but to no avail.

Does anyone have any ideas ? about this or any other set-up that can be done on the player.
