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Info and forum posts by 'apt'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 11th April 2002, 00:55, Last used: Monday, 19th May 2008, 11:49

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This user has posted a total of 70 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: got wii fit last night

Had this for nearly a fortnight, someone asked if you can get fit with it. Without a doubt. The jogging on the spot alone is enough to get you gasping for breath. Well, me anyway. So far unlocked most of the games, and though I can see it becoming repetitive, that might not be such a bad thing.
The great thing with this device is it isn`t just like a pair of scales - it offers feedback. In real-time too - it`s like having a personal trainer right there in thee room. What I particular think will keep me coming back, as I said before is the set pieces - the fact that everything you do is ultimately `recorded#` - so the repetitions can be instantly compared with how you did last time. Very motivating if you ask me. Plus it`s got that `gadget/high tech` feel to it, with an on-screen graph plotted of your BMI/weight/Wii fit age, time total/time today etc. - I just love that!

Go on it everyday and you can see your progress graphically - that`s enough alone not to miss a day - even if you don`t do any exercise that day - you can still take the `Body Test` which gives you your BMI/Weight just like a set of scales but again, it`s all stored in the Wii`s memory, so it gives advice/queries where you may be going wrong.

No, it`s not perfect - what is? But my advice to poster above, get it.


BTW you can also change your weight from pounds to metric (kg) - much better imo by changing your country to a different EU than UK. :)

Full HD monitor <£200


Anyone on a budget after a 1080 display will do well to beat this price (£169 excl.VAT) - 24", 1920x1200 widescreen.

I can personally vouch for this one having just bought and received one, I don`t think this offer will last very long though - now just 4 left!


RE: xbox 360

Sarcasm is more difficult to detect on the internet. I take it you realise he was joking about the "freezing" remedies.

If not, be sure to use the original Horlicks and not some cheap supermarket own brand for best results. And take it out of the freezer .

RE: Newbie for 360 - Core worth it?

That`s what I`m saying.

Who`d have thought a mem card would be preferable to a hard drive?! lol


RE: 360 + 2 Games @ Argos £174.50

Cheers for that, hadn`t thought that retailers would offer Halo 3 for free - you make good points.

Although, I don`t really care for the two bundled games, so I`d be thinking of trading them in somewhere for the cost of a (effectively free) memory card.

Unfortunately I have no broadband, nor am I likely to any time soon. So the hard drive really isn`t an issue for me either.

I just posted over at the gaming forum in an identical topic saying I`m likely to get a Core. I think I probably will, although I can understand why people are telling me not to. To me this one seemed like a good deal, bearing in mind my lack of broadband and HDTV.

Although aving read what you say, I may hold back to see what offers are nearer the time of Halo 3 - although it seems unlikely they`ll offer it for free?


This item was edited on Friday, 7th September 2007, 12:11

RE: Newbie for 360 - Core worth it?

OK cool I`ll consider that, thanks for the info.

Thing is, with this particular offer at Argos you get two free games. And they really are free - the bundle is just £174.50 including the Core.

So, just thinking about it, I wouldn`t even have to buy a new memory card anyway. I could trade in the two games (what we talkin`? 2x£40?) for a £20 memory card?

Plus in the extra money saved by going Core-bound, I`d be able to get maybe 1 or 2 games I do want - like Halo 3 and maybe Gears of War for the same price as a Premium.

It`s just a little risky wondering wherther I`d regret it later on, but I can live with that - the advantages outweigh the cons at least for me. And the lack of a HDMI port doesn`t really bother me either since I don`t have HDTV either! What a luddite, eh? lol

Thanks guys, hopefully I`ll get a flawless system - looks like Core is for me?



RE: Newbie for 360 - Core worth it?

Geez "when the console goes wrong"? Is it that bad? Have you all had hardware failures - is it a certainty?

And thanks for the replies, y`know this may sound stupid to you, but everything I`ve read (including you guys) points to getting a Premium system but.. I really don`t see the point!

I have no broadband for a start nor do i plan to get it in future - and who cares about wireless controllers really? It`s just unnecessary isn`t it?

The hard drive would be nice, and I know I`d have to shell out extra for a smaller memory card anyway, but if (when?) it goes wrong anyway(!!) at least I`d have my game saves backed up. So it has it`s advantages, no?

Will I really regret getting a Core?


Newbie for 360 - Core worth it?

Saw this in Argos today - not in the main catalogue but in on the updated prices laminates above the main catalogues.

"Save £20

Xbox 360 Core System
+Fusion Frenzy 2
+Pinata game (can`t remember exact title)"

I`m guessing this is a good deal?

Sorry I`m brand new to the whole 360 thing but will deffo be getting Halo 3. Would I be wasting my time getting a Core system - I`m not entirely sure why I would need a hard drive at the minute? Is it to save games?

Any advice/info for a 360 newbie would be appreciated.


360 + 2 Games @ Argos £174.50

Saw this in Argos today - not in the main catalogue but in on the updated prices laminates above the main catalogues.

"Save £20

Xbox 360 Core System
+Fusion Frenzy 2
+Pinata game (can`t remember exact title)"

I`m guessing this is a good deal?

Sorry I`m brand new to the whole 360 thing but will deffo be getting Halo 3. Would I be wasting my time getting a Core system - I`m not entirely sure why I would need a hard drive at the minute? Is it to save games?

Any advice/info for a 360 newbie would be appreciated.


Best domain name registration site?

Was looking at but seems problematic with no customer support.

Anyone recommend a site? Reliability would be a plus.


RE: Argos Sale - Creative Zen 20Gb MP3 Player £110

One more for the Venturer here, with my first MP3 player I can say it`s well worth the money.

Thanks for the firmware upgrade info - it now plays tracks it had previously skipped.

One thing that bothers me - although shouldn`t really grumble for the price it was, but I wish it had the ability to create your own playlists - the current "Playlist" feature is all but useless. It only stores about 250 tracks before it says "Playlist full". Ideally, I`d like to store tracks by my "rating" - 5 stars or whatever and keep the lower rated tracks in a different playlist. Is there any way to do this?

OK, OK, I just figured it out. Sorry to be so thick - I didn`t realise you could create your own folders within the music folder by dragging and dropping like that. I was using "synch" which added every track wholesale to the player. This is now perfect! I can separate out radio talkie podcasts and music and stick the music on shuffle and play the podcasts in sequence when i want. Great for the car. So glad I saw this thread!

This item was edited on Friday, 30th June 2006, 12:56

Firefly - £17.47 delivered

This is even cheaper than HMV who had it half price at £17.99. At this price it`s a real bargain. The Complete Series Box Set - 4 discs Region 2. From a reliable retailer too:

P.S. SErenity is out in R1, I got mine from who shipped it in 3 days!

This item was edited on Saturday, 24th December 2005, 21:06

RE: Blah DVD - £5 off and £2 off vouchers

Do you have to be a new member? Or if like me you`ve already taken part in the promotion (last year), can you simply enter an alternative email address?


RE: KitKash 2006 promotion looks crazy but better than 2005

I`m aware this is a stupid question, but could someone explain how the promotion works. Please.

Never bothered with the previous one.

RE: What Great movies/Tv shows would you like to see released on dvd?

Harry Enfileld`s Television Show

Harry Enfileld and Chums

Quick Change (Bill Murray flick)

Mysterious Cities of Gold

Police Squad

Marblehead Manor (US sitcom no one else has ever heard of - used to be on Channel 4 in the 80s)

Dear John (John Sullivan, Only Fools and Horses)

Thinking of buying an Xbox 360

Don`t really know much about it, I played one last Monday in a Gamestation though. The graphics on Project Gotham Racing 3 and Call of Duty were stunning. Enough to raise my interest at least.

I`m not sure how it compares to the Xbox which I already own. Obviously it has better graphics, but what other features does it have? I also believe there are 2 versions - one with and one without an internal hard drive. Is the hard drive necessary?

I`m interested in anyone has pre-ordered a 360. Where is the cheapest available in the UK?

Thanks in advance.

RE: New Coldplay CD for £6

What`s the URL of Reestit Mutton`s fanatastic site? I`m semi-regular here. Thanks.

RE: Anyone else out there who cant stand Ruth Kelly?

I had to have a little chuckle to myself last night during the election coverage when Paxman was interviewing 3 leading politicians. They were Shirley Williams, Anne Widdecombe and Ruth Kelly.

I think they all had sensible shoes on...

RE: mulholland drive whats it about?

In answer to the original poster`s question:
5 minutes too long.

RE: Are you local?

Yes, yes I am. I really am, in real life... I work in the real Royston Vasey half the time, and can recognise all the locations.

RE: Robert Kilroy-Silk on the Jeremy Vine show...

Isn`t the BBC supposed to be apolitical? Then why was it openly mocking him following the interview when he had no chance to respond.

I was apalled but not surprised by the way the BBC acted.

RE: Muslims insulted by pictures of travel adds...

The word "offend" is used by those who wish to offend the majority.

RE: X-Box or PS2?

Xbox is the better games machine.

RE: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

If you liked Sunshine you should also definitely check out this director`s little known DVD called "The work of Director Michel Gondry".

He used to make music videos but they`re more like works of art. You can pick it up from HMV for about a tenner in store. It will blow you away.

RE: ROTK EE £19.99 at Morrisons (plus free Talking Gollum)

Cheapest online is here:

£15.24 (using 50p off voucher at CD WOW)

I ordered it a few days ago :)

RE: ROTK EE £19.99 at Morrisons (plus free Talking Golem)

At least you know how to spell Gollum.

This item was edited on Friday, 10th December 2004, 19:36

RE: ROTK Extended Edition £15.74

Yeah thanks, just searched for that voucher and nowhere to be found. Has it expired?

On another note - it just dawned on me that by using the 50p off voucher from CD WOW I can get it from there for £15.24! Gonna order it now... :)

RE: ROTK Extended Edition £15.74

Where`d you get it for £15.49?


ROTK Extended Edition £15.74

Region 3 @ CD WOW - still has English audio though :)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th December 2004, 01:30

Where to pre-order Halo 2?

Best place or high street?

Any freebies by the likes of HMV/Virgin/Game et al? If ordered online would it arrive on the day of release? And obviously where`s the cheapest?
