Info and forum posts by 'Betelg'

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Joined on: Saturday, 22nd December 2001, 13:25, Last used: Saturday, 22nd December 2001, 13:25

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: mico clasica 20

I forgot to mention that I had to have the one on display because they had sold them all. I suppose I was lucky to get it.

RE: mico clasica 20

I found this in Sainsbury`s on Wednesday and hadn`t heard anything about it. I was interested in it because of the component out because my new TV has the inputs (the tv is the toshiba 36zp18p). I had already said I`d buy it when the assistant then told me it had got best buy in `what tv and video` magazine.

Very similar picture to the cheap Oritron1030 which has an amazing picture. The only other DVD player I`ve had was the Samsung m105 which has inferior pictures. The Samsung also has random glitches every so often in the picture (not often at all though- about once or twice each film at different parts) as if it is overstretched slightly and occasionally can`t cope.

RE: Pure Flat Widescreen Advice PLEASE!

Does anyone have the toshiba 36zp18p? It costs around £1500 and has had good reviews and good surround sound capabilities (comes with extras speakers). I`m wondering whether my set has a problem though.

The picture is ok with the contrast low but it`s weird unless the contrast is down to less than half way. This is even with component output from a DVD.

My parents have a toshiba 28no3 which is a 4:3 with widescreen mode (it has similar menu settings as the 36zp18p) and although the screen is obviously smaller, the picture is great at high contrast levels, especially with a dvd player. The picture is more vibrant with that cheap telly (£250).

Also with the 36zp18p, I`ve noticed that in normal analogue broadcasts (not connected to digital) there are dark bands down the screen at the same point on every channel (much more noticable when the signal is bad). It isn`t the tuner though because it`s exactly the same with my VCR tuner using SCART only.

RE: Help! Which - DVD Philips, Tatung or Samsung?

I just thought I`d add that this Oritron DVD1030 seems to be a bit of a mystery. I can`t really find any information about it. The DVD1030 has a dual focus laser according to hte box but can`t play MP3s so I don`t see much point. It`s hackable for VCD and multi region though. According to another site the Oritrons have disabled VCD by default to save a few dollars in royalty payments (most DVD`s play VCD`s by default). The early players kept going wrong apparantly. I think it was to do with the firmware. My player says it has firmware version 07 from 27th September 2001. I can`t see the DVD1030 mentioned even in the Oritron website!

RE: Help! Which - DVD Philips, Tatung or Samsung?

I have a samsung m105 second hand and it looks very good in my opinion. The picture isn`t bad either on the SCART! There isn`t much difference to the quality on my tv though between setting it to 16:9 mode or letterbox mode (I have a 4:3 tv that has a 16:9 mode). My version was region hackable but I`m not sure if the latest firmware is.

There is a review at :

Having said all that, I was amazed by the ultru cheap Oritron DVD1030 available from Comet for 89 pounds. It doesn`t play MP3`s but is region hackable. I got mine free from a mobile phone company too the other day. The picture is so amazing it`s almost unbelievable. There is a noticeable difference between 16:9 mode and letterbox mode on this one and the picture has more detail than the Samsung even though the Samsung seems to be oversharp and shimmer sometimes. The detail is definitely better on the Oritron though (noticeable on far off lettering on the racing car in Charlie`s Angel`s for example). I can`t tell you enough how impressive the picture is.