Info and forum posts by 'merlin28'

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Joined on: Thursday, 15th November 2001, 13:30, Last used: Saturday, 16th July 2005, 07:54

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Enjoy Sci Fi, Romantic Drama e.g. City of Angels, Mature comedy, Disney. Martial Arts films Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan, Hammer Horror. Collect Buffy and Angel Boxed Sets.
Equipment Toshiba SD110E Multi region modified.

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: In car kenwood mp3/wma cd player @ £66.59

Bought the Kenwood Car CD player yesterday from Argos.

The free fitting only applies to car audio that costs £129.99 and over. The Kenwood KDC W4527 is therefore not included in that offer.
Also, if your car has a manufacturers radio already installed with an integrated plastic fascia housing, the free offer is invalid.
My Nissan Micra has to have the plastic dash removed to get to the radio. My local audio specialists will charge £45 for this. So its still a good deal.

My Argos branch substituted the KDC W4527 with the new model W4301 but it still looks the business. I can`t wait to have it fitted, no more cd players rolling around the car interior!

RE: MultiregionMagic.Anyone used them?

I also bought my toshiba dvd player from them about 3 years ago they converted it to multiregion on the spot, its still going strong. I bought it in the shop as I`m local. I recommend them. :)

Testing online multiregion sellers

Over the last couple of days I have been searching for the best deal, the most informative website, their response to questions.

webelectricals was my first I asked what kind of mod do they use. Answer a load of rubbish about why there are regions. So, didn`t answer my question minus points to them.

Techtronics replied very promptly and answered my delivery and VAT question. Though I have read in other threads that some people have not been happy with their service. Sent them another question, not hopeful.

dvdmagic - asked a simple question answered immediately and told to ring them - cheek. Question was what is the difference between the E on the end of model numbers?

Whilst reading the reviews came across multiregionmagic, nice site, and best of all located in Peterborough (up the road from me). Sent them a question, answered immediately. Went up Friday purchased multiregion DVD get 3 free DVDs to boot. Brilliant service from a small retailer.

This item was edited on Saturday, 17th November 2001, 15:30

RE: Shrek

Saw it in WHSmiths today for £17.99 and you get your points presuming you have a card. Woolworths £19.99.

RE: HELP!!! DigiBox+HiFi+VCR+DVD

I know this is an old thread, but for anyone else that reads this article, I found a really useful web site which details how to connect everything up. I found it invaluable when hooking up a new vcr + NTL Digibox + TV.
Didn`t need a scart from vcr out to TV as it plays thru NTL.
The website is you have to look up articles and the pictures are really good.

This item was edited on Saturday, 17th November 2001, 15:20


Yes, you are absolutely right, god knows what Woolworths are letting themselves in for. This player is made in India and has no support whatsoever. The player has been availble in the US for sometime, check you could hear the posters screaming, they have had nothing but trouble.