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Info and forum posts by 'Geoff Poole'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 9th August 2001, 20:40, Last used: Wednesday, 27th April 2005, 14:41

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: You annoy me DVD Soon, but i can`t resist your offers!

£18 is the limit & once over it you get taxed on the cost & the P&P.

And don`t forget the fee that Royal Mail charges you for paying the taxes on your behalf and collecting from you at the door. That adds on another £5 or so, which is deeply painful if you`re just over the limit.


RE: Some stuff at Dvdsoon

Hmmm...Die hard ultimate for around £18.15....that is definitely tempting seeing as they butchered the R2 versions. Possibility of getting stopped by customs, but even then it adds all of £3.18 to the price - so it still looks worth it to me.

Don`t forget tho` that it`s not just the VAT. Royal Mail adds on its "handling" fee, which is like 5 quid. Still not a bad price, but a little less of a bargain.

RE: Extra 10% off at whsmiths

Ah, that explains it! Then definitely check out their box sets which are already 50% off. Seasons 1-3 of Babylon 5, normally £27.50, drop to £22. Not too shabby.

RE: Powerplay direct

Just used `em for the first time a couple of weeks ago to get The Day Today set (just before CD-WOW lowered their price, naturally). Seemed perfectly fine. In-stock item shipped same day, and took about 4 working days to get to me.

RE: Looking for a large Euro 2004 wall chart!!!

Yeah, I don`t know what`s going on this year. It`s like wall charts suddenly became illegal and nobody told me. Best one I found was in the current issue of Match. It`s not great, but it is on reasonably hefty glossy paper.

RE: Blake`s Seven Series 1 DVD £17.99

Seems likely, in which case it might be better to hold off. There was apparently an authoring mistake which caused enough problems for them to repress the whole set. (Hence the 2 month delay between the original release in March and the relaunch in May.)

Apparently, at the layer change some players froze and others skipped to the next chapter. (Some were fine, tho` obviously). If you look at the reviews on you`ll see the problems -- people complaining about "missing" footage especially. You might get lucky, but, as I say, if there were enough problems such that they actually recalled/repressed, it must have been a fairly common problem.

RE: BUFFY Box Set`s £29.97 at Amazon

Could just be that there`s an upcoming price reduction that they can`t pass on yet. I got the Futurama Season 4 boxed set a month or so ago for £15.99 from Play it was listed as like "promotional version" or something, and had its own release date (29/3, I think), but it is exactly the same.


RE: 50% off at BBC Shop

Excellent spot! Played it a bit safe and only got the Blake`s 7 Box Set which they`re listing at the RRP. But I almost spent £34.99 on it a couple of days ago, so I`m still well chuffed.

Just a quick note to those people who have mentioned that they`ve been pre-ordering stuff: check the terms and conditions. I scanned through them on general principle and saw something to the effect that for pre-orders they hold your order in stasis and don`t actually process it until 3-4 days before the due date. So if you`re trying to use the coupon to pre-order something that isn`t released until April, there may be a problem with the coupon expiring.

I was going to get The Day Today as well, but since it`s not coming out until the end of April (and since even with the discount Play is only 2 quid more) I figured it wasn`t worth the risk. As I say, though, I didn`t really read the terms carefully, so I might be wrong. Just thought I`d flag it up.

Also, just in case anyone wonders -- the "free shipping over £30" seems to be before the discount. I didn`t get charged for mine.

This item was edited on Thursday, 11th March 2004, 14:13

RE: PlayCentric - any reports?

I`ve used them a couple of times to buy stuff for relatives in the States. The first time they took *forever* to send the discs, but they did then change carriers or how they sent them (at least for orders to the US). The second time was much more reasonable and I wouldn`t hesitate to use them again if they were cheapest.


Overcharged by Customs and Excise

This is a little off topic, but I thought maybe the people here might have some experience with this based on DVD shipments. My mother sent me a Christmas present from the States, and the declared value on the customs form was 150 dollars (US), but I can see from fee breakdown that I was charged VAT as if the value were 150 *pounds*.

Is there any hope of getting any money back if I complain? I paid import duty too, which I think is a percentage, which means I`m looking at almost 10 quid I think. I ask `cause I remember people talking about DVD shipments from Canada and getting overcharged because customs "misread" Canadian dollars as pounds. Has anybody had any luck getting money back?


RE: Best region 1 site

If you`ve got a number of discs that you want (so as to offset the postage), (in Canada) is worth a look. Shipping is about 7 quid for up to 7 discs, and the prices are generally very good. I`ve used `em only once but had no problems whatsoever and a lot of people seem to have a lot of nice things to say about them.


RE: Kind about PLAY!...Honest

Just to add to the chorus of people who`ve been having problems with Royal Mail recently on Play shipments. Had a couple of Jackie Chan DVDs that were posted a week ago last Friday, and they just came this morning (at 7.30 in the morning. ouch!) A scandal, really. And hands up who think this is going to get *better* by privatization....

RE: Region 1. Best place to shop?

Haven`t used `em myself (yet), but people here seem to have good things to say about

Mico Celo 80 -- Any news, rumors, anything?

Just put in an order for one of these at multizonedvd on the strength of it being the supposed replacement for their flagship A980s, which is what I wanted to buy. But I haven`t been able to find anything out about it, which is a little disconcerting. Anybody got any info, links, etc? Have I just made a terrible mistake?