Wrestlemania X-7

10 / 10

Those who followed the rise of WWE during the 'Attitude Era' will probably cite this PPV as the absolute pinnacle of WWE's success. If you look at this card from top to bottom it was the reason why WWE won the war against WCW. Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle, TLC match with Dudley Boyz, Hardys and Edge and Christian, Undertaker vs Triple H and of course the main event to end all main events Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock.

This event was dominated by the hype leading up to The Rock vs Stone Cold and when you watch this match you can see why this was. Both of these men were in their prime and this match was sold purely on the simplest of all storylines 'Who is better?' This would be what Ultimate Warrior vs Hulk Hogan was over ten years earlier at Wrestlemania VI. Though we could argue the ending was a let down... and it was... it was perfectly set up and those who say they saw this coming can come clean. No one saw this coming.

The other highlight from this PPV was TLC Match for the World Tag Team Championship featuring Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian. This quite frankly almost stole the show and even won many Match of the Year awards from various publications. There are many who think this was simply just a spotfest and that too much is so obviously setup, but if you sit back and just roll with it you will see just how good this match is. Setup or not, this was so beautifully choreographed that not one second is wasted, not one move, not one spot. It is perfect.

The rest of the PPV is littered with gems such as the technically beautiful (yes I used that word) match between Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. Those who feel that Benoit should never be praised (due to his actions in 2007) should look at this match and see just how good he was in the ring. The other notable matches are between Undertaker and Triple H and Vince vs Shane McMahon. Both become almost ECW-like in their hardcore, no DQ type approach and though this could be dull, both are actually fun matches to watch and Shane McMahon does things that even I don't believe he could... especially not to his father???

Extras wise, there isn't a whole lot that makes this set absolutely essential. A highlight reel of the next night on Raw is good, but the full Rock/Austin rematch would have been much better. The rest consist of a few vignettes highlights the Legends from the Gimmick Battle Royal and a match between Grand Master Sexay & Steve Blackman vs. X-Pac & Justin Credible which you will never watch more than once... if at all.

Wrestlemania X-7 is possibly one of the best PPVs WWE have ever created. It is solid from top to bottom and really there is not one match that I couldn't recommend watching at least once. It's true the Gimmick Battle Royal isn't as funny as they would like us to think and a few of the matches aren't as good as the rest, but for the TLC, Benoit/Angle and Austin/Rock match this is a DVD worth owning.

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