Page 1 of Weird goings on on last night Big Brother

Television Forum

Weird goings on on last night Big Brother

Bezzawezza (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 06:52

Sorry this isnt in the reality thread but thats a graveyard lately.
Anyway, if anyone still has last nights Big Brother on record can you please look over this one small bit for me and prove whether I`m losing my mind or not?
Basically, near the end, Carole tells Nikki she doesnt want to know her anymore and Nikki goes out to the garden and stand to the left hand side of the screen talking to a few people about what just happened. However, if you watch to the left of the screen a few people are stood around the pool wrapped in the silver blanket things. Then one of those people around the pool decides to go back inside the house and as they walk towards the door they suddenly disappear! Its as though there is some sort of invisible wall or something because as she walks (I think it may be Chanelle) her whole body just disappears when she crosses this certain point. If you keep watching every now and again you can see Ziggy`s leg appear from behind this point and dip into the pool.
I`m sorry I haven`t described it well but if you still have it please watch it back and let me know if you see it too. I would try and post pictures or something but its on my Sky+ at moment and not sure how I would even begin to transfer.
Am I going insane?

RE: Weird goings on on last night Big Brother

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 09:05

Am I going insane?

Yes but there is a cure.
Turn off televisualbox, go outside, get some fresh air and cease watching that s***e forever.
Problem solved. :D

No seriously, just stop watching it.

RE: Weird goings on on last night Big Brother

operaghost (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 09:17

No, not mad - but thanks for your message as I had began to doubt my own sanity! :D

I noticed this too - almost as though there was an `green screen` effect; one minute she was there, couple of paces to the side and she disappeared.

Must be just the particular angle that the camera was at, maybe water on the lens, or numerous other logical reasons, but yes, was a bizarre thing to see.

RE: Weird goings on on last night Big Brother

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 09:26

Bezza, the reason the reality forum is dead is that no one cares about bb. Thus posting in the general forum when people campaigned to get their own area is a no no in my eyes..

Bad Bezza, bad.

Dr 42%er

Care in the football community is proved not to work.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Weird goings on on last night Big Brother

Bezzawezza (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 10:48

Bezza, the reason the reality forum is dead is that no one cares about bb. Thus posting in the general forum when people campaigned to get their own area is a no no in my eyes..

Bad Bezza, bad

My apologies. I deemed my sanity more important thought sorry!

PS Which idiot campaigned for the pointless reality tv thread?

RE: Weird goings on on last night Big Brother

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 10:58

It was a mixture of people who wanted their own place to talk and those of us who had no interest in it and got fed up with the general getting overtaken when bats and hulk were about. With bats talking to himself for hours on end about bb, jungle thingy and the others.

Dr 42%er

Care in the football community is proved not to work.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Weird goings on on last night Big Brother

operaghost (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 12:42

May find the following link useful:

Looks like Endemol are cheating again!

Not sure if the link thingy will work - address again is

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