Page 1 of New Mico Celo 80 DVD Player - Best Buy!!

Hardware Forum

New Mico Celo 80 DVD Player - Best Buy!!

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th October 2001, 22:41

What Video have just given the new Mico DVD player a Best Buy award in the review in there November issue!

Only available from here - for £190

RE: New Mico Celo 80 DVD Player - Best Buy!!

HappyExHitachi505Owner ;-) (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th October 2001, 03:34

DeJaVu - The old Mico got best buy too.

Bloody review magazines!

RE: New Mico Celo 80 DVD Player - Best Buy!!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th October 2001, 09:01

carrot tutor him in the ways of the DVD sir!

He is young but willing

RE: New Mico Celo 80 DVD Player - Best Buy!!

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th October 2001, 21:17

I will admit that if my current Mico goes up the spout I proberbly would not get another.

When I bought the Mico it was one of the only one`s which playered Mp3 and was Macro disabled which was more important than DVD to me!

Now you can get a Pioneer 340 for less than the new Mico with Region and macro free!!

Even i`m not that mad!!

Just remember, The Mico A980 was there first go at DVD. Things can only get better!

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