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Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 13:39

I have to have one in a few weeks time on the NHS. It sounds quite barbaric. Only partial sedation. I have to watch, in other words! I want to be put out.
Also I have a phobia about needles. I am told I will have to sit there with a catheter in my are for some time before they (slightly) sedate me. No way could I sit there, awake and aware, with a needle in my arm. It was even traumatic to type that!
Then the shoving down your throat and taking a biopsy sounds pretty terrible.
Another alternative I have rejected is just the numbing at the back of the throat so you don`t gag (fat chance), yet you still have to watch and endure the entire thing.
I want total sedation ("put out") and instantly, but can find no one will do this, not even my private hospital plans.
Has anyone had an endoscopy? Is it as "nice" as the hospital made it sound?

This item was edited on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 14:40

RE: Endoscopy

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 13:54

You could always close your eyes so you can`t see what they`re doing?

I`m sure they`d numb your hand with that anaesthetic cream stuff so it wouldn`tt hurt, you`d just have to try to forget it was there.

I`d be too scared of choking to have an endoscopy, and I don`t like the idea of being sedated as I hate the idea of not being in control either.

Have your explained you have a serious phobia to them?


This item was edited on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 14:55

RE: Endoscopy

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 14:01

Have your explained you have a serious phobia to them?

Yep, makes no difference. You are just a number at our loacal NHS. More likely to be worse that you went in.
Like it or lump it is the general attitude.
No way do I want to lie there aware that something is being forced down my throat (I expect rude remarks, now).

This item was edited on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 15:03

RE: Endoscopy

tifoso (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 14:12

Sorry to hear this Bats. I hope it goes okay for you, try to relax.

RE: Endoscopy

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 14:18

You might want to look at something like hypnotherapy for the phobia. I`m not convinced, but I know a practitioner who has explained to me how it works and it does seem logical working through the problem in your subconscious or whatever.

Otherwise is there someone you trust who could come to your appointment with you to hold your hand and keep you calm?

I hope there`s nothing wrong with you Bats.


RE: Endoscopy

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 14:18

Thanks. Appreciated. :)

RE: Endoscopy

Hominid (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 14:55

I had a ERCP, which is an endoscopic procedure, a few weeks ago to look at the state of my bile duct after i had my gall bladder removed a few years back. I was told that it`s a partial sedation, but when they explained it it means that they can tell you what to do, move you around etc, during the procedure to get better results but you don`t actually remember it. And it was exactly that it my case, five seconds after the injection i was in recovery :)

Don`t worry about it, they deal with phobics all the time and have ways of dealing with you(edit, to make you feel more at ease).

This item was edited on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 15:57

RE: Endoscopy

bethyblue (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 14:57

Haven`t had an endoscopy, my tube went in the `other` end, can`t think what they called the procedure.

I had intended to have the sedation, but I was just whisked through to the `operating` room and the tube inside me practically before I could say anything.

TBH, being a morbidly curious person, I actually found it quite interesting looking at the pictures of my insides! They also took a sample for biopsy and that doesn`t hurt AT ALL, you can`t feel it because the colon has no nerves, don`t know if the same applies for stomachs though.

Don`t you need to be awake for an endoscopy so you can help swallow the tube or something? Don`t suppose that`s any help to you though Bats. :( Let us know how you get on.

RE: Endoscopy

whoot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 15:07

Nope. you don`t need to be awake..
I had one. a pan-endoscopy - so thats all round that general area. I had the full monty general anaest, aneasteh, injection, but they had to do it that way.

Bats, it could be a lot worse so my advice is just to lump it. this year I have had cameras up my nose and down my throat and none of it in the pursuit of entertainment.. Just think nice thoughts, grit your teeth and you`ll come out the other end of it fine.

I hope its nothing serious.

edit.. its also worth pointing out that general aneasthetics are not always good for you..

This item was edited on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 16:21

RE: Endoscopy

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th October 2005, 15:13

Haven`t had an endoscopy, my tube went in the `other` end,

had that too. t was the worst pain I have ever had in my life. Sheer agony. I felt I was giving birth! :/
Thanks all for replies and encouragement. Beginning to sound less scary than initially thought.

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