Page 2 of #GamerGate

Gaming and Consoles Forum

RE: [VIDEO] #GamerGate

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 21st October 2014, 21:08

Interviews with two reasonable people from both sides:

And one with the man who effectively kicked it all off:


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[VIDEO] RE:#GamerGate

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st October 2014, 23:37

Liz's answer to question #2 in that first link is the most honest and concise summation of how it all started.

Jonathan McIntosh (the guy behind Anita Sarkeesian) has been tweeting that #GamerGate is now 100% over. Meanwhile in reality, the tag is enjoying more than twice as many daily tweets as it has ever had. This has spawned yet another sub-hashtag: #FullMcIntosh. You should never go #FullMcIntosh :D

Also, Adobe pulled their ads from Gawker, prompting Literally Wu to get in touch on their behalf, essentially proving that devs and journos are far too cosy.

Still, it was nice of the Gawker journos to apologise, even if it sounded a lot like...

RE: [VIDEO] #GamerGate

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 24th October 2014, 07:57

Felicia Day makes a really honest and non-controversial post about #gamergate:

And a gg supporter responds by posting her personal details to the comments section (now removed and disabled):

If you don't know Felicia Day, having a go at her is like attacking Joanna Lumley, there is a an incredibly high chance if you are doing that, you are a huge major league arsehole.


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RE: [VIDEO] #GamerGate

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th October 2014, 14:04

Yup, an act of idiocy and malice carried out by literally one individual.

It is a shame that Felicia Day has allowed her insecurities to consume her, although I don't blame her for crossing the road to avoid a COD player *shudder*. I can only hope that she will one day realise that the quality of a person's character and the issues they hope to discuss can only be determined through the things they themselves say or do, not the hashtag or username they employ. Just because this troll called himself 'gaimerg8' does not mean that he/she belongs to or speaks on behalf of the movement.

This will end only when these people set aside their prejudices and engage in a real discussion. Until then, these sites can look forward to losing more of their ad revenue.

Also, still no mention of the harrassment, death threats and doxxing attempts aimed at #GamerGate supporters in the mainstream media, because hypocrisy, cronyism and bias.

EDIT: to put it better...

This item was edited on Friday, 24th October 2014, 15:39

RE: [VIDEO] #GamerGate

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 24th October 2014, 14:55

Gareth Williams says...
"Also, still no mention of the harrassment, death threats and doxxing attempts aimed at #GamerGate supporters in the mainstream media, because hypocrisy, cronyism and bias."

The mainstream media doesn't even understand games, they still talk about them as if they are some kind of minority nerdy interest, to bring up whenever a violent game comes out, or some school kid goes on a killing spree.

I still find it hard to sympathise with any of #gamergate's points tho. Which makes anything anyone does that's stupid, and in their name, not help that view quite a lot. I guess thats why I see them as being like ukip.


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RE: [VIDEO] #GamerGate

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 24th October 2014, 19:00

Hang on, can we step back a little?

Are the #gamergate ones the actual gamers or the anti-gamers?  And the gaming journalists involved, are they classed as gamers too or just journalists?

This is getting a little confusing.


Si Wooldridge

RE: [VIDEO] #GamerGate

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th October 2014, 23:33

#GamerGate are mostly gamers and also some non-gamers who have taken issue with the culture of nepotism and collusion in games journalism.

The journalists are also gamers (since that is what they cover), but have tried to deflect the criticism against them by labelling supporters of #GamerGate as a misogynist hate group. The journalists are also linked with some larger non-gaming publications as well, though. For example, outspoken anti-GGer Leigh Alexander works with the Guardian, hence their nonstop blitz of anti-#GamerGate articles.

Critics of #GamerGate comprise gamers and non-gamers alike, although very few of them ever talk about the issue of journalistic integrity on account of them having lapped up the narrative spun by these journalists (and now the oblivious mainstream media).

In trying to make this an issue about the harrassment of women, it has also attracted some anti-feminist types (people who are against radical third wave feminism, rather than equality feminism, which most people support). Sadly, this has only diverted the conversation even further away from the original point. It is worth noting that there are many strong feminist voices who support #GamerGate. For an example of the kind of feminism these people are against, enjoy some pearls of wisdom from feminist and former games journalist Samantha Allen...

In the midst of all this, there are a handful of idiot trolls sending death threats and rubbing their hands with sadistic glee when the thousands of #GamerGate supporters get the blame. Ironically, one of these trolls was identified as a Brazillian games journalist trying to drum up controversy for more clickbait articles.

Hope that clarifies lol xD (I could write a lot more...)

This item was edited on Saturday, 25th October 2014, 00:43

RE: [VIDEO] #GamerGate

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2014, 08:40

Aye, that makes more sense now.  To be honest I've missed most of this as I only really use GameSkinny for gaming type articles and they have stayed away from it in the main.

That also explains the Total Biscuit video on journalistic standards a while back.


Si Wooldridge

RE: [VIDEO] #GamerGate

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 27th October 2014, 08:52

...which suggests that, contrary to its stated goal, GamerGate spends more time tweeting negatively at game developers than at game journalists.

"GamerGate is ostensibly about ethics in gaming journalism, but in reality its misogynistic core is tainting whatever aims the actual movement is trying to achieve."


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RE: [VIDEO] #GamerGate

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th October 2014, 12:26

Yeah, that Newsweek article was pretty funny.

Their evidence is that of 500,000 tweets, only 10,400 were aimed at Zoe Quinn and only 5% of those were negative. Hmm, let me see... that makes 0.1% negative tweets against Zoe Quinn.

"It's about harrassment guise!!" rofl

As for why Quinn received more than Grayson, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Quinn is much more vocal on the subject and has been highly antagonistic in her tweets since the beginning, not to mention all the additional scandals involving her (particularly her doxxing of a transgendered teen, her suspected charity fraud with iFred, her rounding up a hate mob to sabotage a feminist charity that she didn't like etc).

Seriously, 500,000 tweets analysed, 90% neutral? This is their evidence that it is a hate group? Are they classifying death threats as neutral now?

lol @ Newsweek. At least now the anti-GGers have a tabloid of their own to rally behind. Although, maybe not for long once the advertisers are contacted...

^ what a font of wisdom and knowledge this writer is...

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