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DVDs & Films Forum

short film i co-made is online

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd December 2005, 21:11

myself and a good friend have been making short films for a few years. a few months ago we decided to try and work a bit differently. we wanted to shoot/edit and have a dvd of the finished film done inside a day. this is what we did with this film.

a few weeks after finishing it we noticed a short film festival for films under 5 minutes so we sent it off. well it was shown at the festival in london back in september.

a few weeks ago the website put the films up to be seen online so i thought i would mention it here to see if anyone was interested in checking it out, it is under 5 minutes so it isnt on too long. ive got a 1mb broadband connection and it played fine.

am i allowed to put a link up for it?


RE: short film i co-made is online

too good to be true (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd December 2005, 22:27

Yeah, put a link up.

I write scripts for short films but haven`t made one yet. I`m always interested in other peoples shorts ( films that is !!! :D )

RE: short film i co-made is online

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd December 2005, 22:51

RE: short film i co-made is online

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd December 2005, 23:30

em.. ok... do you want feedback?..

RE: short film i co-made is online

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 00:52

upto you.

i just thought i would put the link up to see if anyone was interested in seeing it. i know a few people on here make films and post about them so i thought id do the same.


RE: short film i co-made is online

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 04:16

Nice simple little concept piece about a man going for his last jog. The location gives an excellent sense of isolation and the minimalist camera work keeps the whole thing nice and uncomplicated.

However, that may be the piece`s weakness as well. Talking from a purely personal viewpoint, I`d have juxtaposed the isolation of the final location with some establishing material in a crowded location - long shots of the hero in a shopping mall or something surrounded by hundreds of people, phoning home to say the Doctor wants him to watch his heart rate. He`ll have to cut out the chip butties. He says he`s going to do a half-hour jog before he comes home to think things through. He drives out to the location. Looks around - huge desolate panoramas of the beach. He starts jogging. Sees one or two people, avoids them. He wants to be alone. He gets out on the beach. Starts jogging properly. Suddenly slows. Grits his teeth. He`s breathing heavily. He checks his pulse. Does a Jonathan Kent (see Superman The Movie - simply mutters "oh no" to himself. Drops to his knees.) Cut back to the car, where his cellphone is on the seat. Cut back to the beach. He pitches forward. Long, long, zoom back with his elevated heartbeat over the top, then silence. Fade to black.

Now, that`s just a suggestion. You have a perfectly good film already, and you obviously know a shedload about making movies more than I do (I only watches them). I`m just surprised you`ve used such static camera shots and so few close-up medium shots to get the audience to connect with your ill-fated hero.

Oh, and the 512K+ link didn`t work for me, the 256K cut the movie off half way so I ended up watching the Dial-up version.

J Mark Oates

Wishing you the Compliments of the Season.
May you have a very Merry Christmastime
Whatever your Beliefs or Sentiments
And Hoping that 2006 will be a very Happy New Year.

My Column Isn`t Dead, It`s In Hiding Here

RE: short film i co-made is online

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 05:18

thanks for that.

we figured best to keep it simple and to the point, especially under 5 minutes. ill let hollywood flesh out the movies with all the boring stuff we usually have to sit through.

to be honest for a short film i like visuals and leaving it upto the viewer to see whats happening, doesnt have to be fully explained. its actually a prequal of sorts to a film we made a few years ago, that one starts with a man waking up on a beach.

i had some trouble downloading it too, i think its because the short films have just become available online, a few ealry problems.

anyway thanks for checking it out.

RE: short film i co-made is online

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 13:32

Talking of short films, the Director (Andrew Greener) at the Production Company I work for got 2nd Place in the TCM - Classic Shorts (2005) which is a very imporant competition for Short Film. In fact its only second to winning a BAFTA.

Here`s the link to the site where you can actually watch the film, "Endgame". Look on the 2005 Winners page and you`ll see its the second one down. Quality is okay, but the aspect ratio is all over the place if I remember correctly. Please watch it and let me know what you think!!!!

You`ll see from the panel of judges that it`s pretty big award, and since then is looking to lead onto bigger and much better things.

The winner, Jane Lloyd, was a very controversial choice, and some of the judges made that clear. As Julian Fellowes said: Quote:
"Endgame - a clear head-and-shoulders winner for me. Beautifully constructed, well thought out, well acted, genuinely surprising but, above all these things, involving and interesting. My attention never strayed and I fully expect to see this team crop up on the big screen".

Well suffice to say, I will hopefully be in that `team` that Mr. Fellowes refers to. :D

Giggity giggity!

RE: short film i co-made is online

SHEPPY124 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 4th December 2005, 15:47

Good starting point, just getting into shorts my self, good idea for learning and getting feedback from others, I have learnt something already I can see a where a use of tripod or a static device would help the filming and short sharp shots, off to get a tripod. I enjoyed it, well done.


RE: short film i co-made is online

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th December 2005, 02:40

thanks to everyone who has checked it out, i hope a few more will too.

im just glad its out there so it can be seen, thats the hardest thing about making a short film, getting anyone to see your work. we have sent out our other films to get some feedback but with little reply, so it ends up being friends and family who are the only ones who get to see what you have done, so this is great.
and the feedback so far on the website is kind of what i expected, its one of those films you will either like, or not think much of. thats why i like making the short films, they dont have to be these great glossy films. its a good way of getting your ideas across without spelling everything out.


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