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Retailer Reviews Forum

Anyone any experience with Amazon ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 11:05

If so, any idea why 5 days after delivery to them they are still claiming non-return of my faulty DVD player ?
5 bleeding days...!!!
And every time I call they promise someone will get back to me...
And guess what...they don`t...!
I used to be a real exponent of internet shopping, but after problems with my last 2 major electrical purchases ( a TV from RGB and a DVD from Amazon ) I`m really beginning to see why people still prefer walking into Comet....

RE: Anyone any experience with Amazon ?

Neon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 12:05

It took around 10 days when I returned a faulty DVD player, so you may just have to hang on in there!

RE: Anyone any experience with Amazon ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 12:59

You`re probably that owned and returned my DVD to them before they sold it to me as `new` !!
They suck...
However, I just called them AGAIN ( 8th time ) and demanded to speak to someone senior there.After mucho fuss,they have finally admitted they do employ the person who signed for my returned player. They still can`t find it though. However, again after mucho fuss, they have issued a new replacement to me today.Like I say though, I had to kick up stink, which some people don`t have the time or inclination to do.
Time will tell if this one is new...If the batteries are already in the remote again then I`m gonna drive to Slough and personally ram it up someone`s poopchute...

RE: Anyone any experience with Amazon ?

Rickws (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th January 2003, 20:48

I ordered quite a bit of stuff from them in November, they were still advertising it for delivery before xmas until 19 December. I got mine on 2nd Jan and boy did I have to go off on one before they admitted they had mucked up.

Shame really as I`ve had no problems before.

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