Page 1 of my PC won`t operate some websites properly

PCs & Mobiles Forum

my PC won`t operate some websites properly

stephen harris (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th May 2007, 17:08

I`ve just noticed that for some reason some websites aren`t working properly on my PC - for example, on the IKEA site I can`t see pictures on the individual product pages although the thumbnail pics show up OK, also I can`t download manuals from the Panasonic site as My PC refuses to open a new window to download them.
Both of these sites work fine at the office, so its not a problem with the sites.
Can anyone help ???

RE: my PC won`t operate some websites properly

wing_chun (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th June 2007, 19:55

could be an issue with adobe shockwave player try updating it then check
your browser internet options particualarly with explorer 7 as i had to change the way it opens windows and tabs

also check you ativirus software it could be stoping sum sites check its setting for cookies as well and put it to medium protection this is uaslly enough

that shood do it

good luck

the memory of you will bloom like the flower in the garden of my heart

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