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Jerky Picture

Droopy (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th February 2001, 18:57

I have a Lecson DVD 900 and I bought Hollow Man Region 1 from but the picture seems to jerk most of the way thru the film, can anybody tell me why it is doing this and is there any remedy?


RE: Jerky Picture

TimSmith (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 5th February 2001, 20:47

A R1 disc would normally produce an output to suit a R1 NTSC TV i.e. 480 visible lines at 30frames/sec. It sounds like your player is doing a conversion to standard PAL which is 576 lines at 25 frames/sec. The frame rate conversion is making the picture jerky. Some players are better than others at doing the conversion.

If your TV can handle a 60Hz refresh rate, try switching to `PAL60` (sometimes called pseudo-PAL) or straight NTSC output (if you`re using RGB or your TV can handle NTSC) . On these settings the player won`t change the frame rate.

Apparently, though, R1 discs transferred from a film source will always have some amount of jerkiness because they are stored at 24 frames/sec and have an encoded `flag` to tell the player to use "3:2 pulldown conversion" to convert to 30 frames/sec, which introduces some jerkiness.

PAL R2 discs don`t have the problem because they are stored at 25 frames/sec, which gives a suitable output for a standard PAL TV. For the transfer, the film is played back slightly too fast to speed it up from 24 frames/sec to 25 frames/sec.

RE: Jerky Picture

Iain M (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 6th February 2001, 09:51

wot yer seeing is the DVD repeating a number of frames so that it fits the NTSC standard - it`s a stupid and very annoying thing.
frame1, frame2, frame2, frame 3, frame4, frame4 etc kind of thing

PAL discs aren`t perfect - they play slightly faster than the film original (4% faster!) but this is barely noticable compared to the juddering effect.

RE: Jerky Picture

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 6th February 2001, 13:43

Yes Tim is correct, the Lecson & Wharfedale do a dreadful job of converting NTSC to PAL50. I have raised this before but other Lecson owners were not willing to admit to the problem.

If your TV can handle PAL60 then use that. If not, your only options are to get a new TV or a DVD player that can do decent PAL50.

RE: Jerky Picture

mostlyharmless (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th February 2001, 09:12

I`ve got a lecson, and it does do a very poor conversion. Luckily for me, my TV does both PAL60 and NTSC. This is not the first time this question has come up, and as a Lecson owner, I have been "willing to admit to the problem" !

As an aside, do all new TV`s handle these modes now ? I didn`t even give it a thought when I chose my current model.

RE: Jerky Picture

Droopy (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 10th February 2001, 19:54

Thanks to all who replied. I have a tv capable of PAL 60 and NTSC but it makes no difference to the picture, it still jerks, any other suggestions.


RE: Jerky Picture

TimSmith (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 10th February 2001, 20:04

OK, your TV can handle PAL60 and NTSC, but is your player outputting PAL50? If you can change the player output, can you see a difference in jerkiness between PAL60/NTSC and PAL50? e.g. PAL60/NTSC will jerk often, but slight jerks (this is 3:2 pulldown). PAL50 will jerk less often, but bigger jerks (this is conversion to 50Hz).

RE: Jerky Picture

Reaper_666 (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 10th February 2001, 21:15

Hi, I was just abput to post this too.
I bought The X-Files Season One Boxset (R 1) from A bargain £50, but when I put it in my Lecson 900, after I hacked it I got a very nice jerky picture along with a very annoying jerky soundtrack too.
Worried I may have 7 faulty DVDs, I borrowed my girlfriend`s R1 copy of `Gladiator` which produced the same results. As you can imagine I am p***ed. My parents bought a brand new Panasonic TX-28DK1 Widescreen Tv along with the DVD Player, which supports NTSC so it can`t be that. I tried changing the players output to NTSC only to get the same jerky picture in black and white. Can anyone help? or do i have to send a nasty email to Debenhams/Lecson?

RE: Jerky Picture

Kevin Bryant (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 11th February 2001, 10:02

Reaper I think you`re on somewhat dodgy ground - Why are you playing a R1 DVD in a R2 DVD Player? How have you managed to get it to play? ("I`ve hacked it") I may be wrong, but there are at least 2 very big get out clauses for Debenhams/Lecson.

RE: Jerky Picture

Terb (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 12th February 2001, 19:20

also own lecson had jerky picture on r1 disc set tv system to auto never had a problem since

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