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Non-techie lady needs help with toshiba sd220e

sl (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 21:05

I bought a toshiba 220e multi-region from Richer sounds. Connected it to a fairly old Panasonic TV. Can play VCD, Region 2 DVD ok. However, get B&W when playing Region 1 DVD. Called Richer Sounds who said that my TV is faulty.

I have a multi-region Akai DVD player that is connected to my Sony TV. Plays everything including Region 1 DVD ok. Connected the Akai to my Panasonic TV, Region 1 DVD is in colour. Connected the Toshiba to my Sony TV, Region 1 DVD is B&W.

Richer Sounds tells me that the Akai probably has an internal decoder. Told me to bring in the Toshiba and changed to a different brand.

What is this decoder? Is this a digital decoder as indicated on some DVD magazines? Or is this a DTS decoder? If so, what is DTS?

Any recommendation on what to swap the 220e to?


RE: Non-techie lady needs help with toshiba sd220e

chickenboy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 21:36

Not sure what they`re saying about this "decoder" thing....

I`d recommend swapping the SD220 for a Cyberhome 528. It`s only £69.99 and it`ll definitely play your R1 DVDs in colour.

RE: Non-techie lady needs help with toshiba sd220e

Saxton (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 21:51


I got one!

RE: Non-techie lady needs help with toshiba sd220e

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 16:35

Have a look in your video output settings on your DVD player menu. You should have the options for NTSC/PAL/AUTO or it could be a switch on the back? Set it to PAL. The UK uses PAL to display a Picture but the US uses NTSC.

Even with yours set to PAL you may only get a black and white picture. PAL uses 50Htz and NTSC is 60Htz. Some DVD players only convert the NTSC picture to PAL 60 which all new UK Tv`s can handle. Older TV can`t. If the above does not work then you need a DVD player that outputs all DVD`s as PAL 50, or buy a new TV.

I myself don`t think you need to buy Region 1 discs anymore as the release dates are so close to UK ones. You can get cheaper Region 4 discs which are PAL and so would not cause problems.

RE: Non-techie lady needs help with toshiba sd220e

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 18:10

All you need to do is fiddle with the NTSC/PAL switch (might be in the on screen menus) until it comes out in colour.

I`m convinced that would work for you, especially if the Akai works in colour.

Richer Sounds blokey telling you your TV is faulty is blatant rubbish, he deserves a slap for that!

RE: Non-techie lady needs help with toshiba sd220e

Neon (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th January 2003, 19:53

If you get a b/w picture it means your TV is perfectly OK with the 60Hz NTSC signal. What you need to do is get hold of a fully wired (RGB) scart cable and connect it between yout dvd player and your RGB enabled scart on your TV (usually scart 1). Then set your dvd player to RGB for the picture.

RE: Non-techie lady needs help with toshiba sd220e

sl (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th January 2003, 13:45

Thank you to all those who replied.

I have done the tests recommended and have found that both the Panasonic and Sony TVs are just too old to handle NTSC. We connected to a friend`s 4-yr old Sony TV and R1 dvd comes out in colour.

Richersounds recommended to swap to either the Wharfedale 750 or Yamaha S520 which has an internal converter for NTSC to PAL. I have read the reviews for both and wasn`t too impressed. Besides, these are quite old models.

I think I will keep the toshiba and watch R1 dvd using my Akai.

Thanks once again..

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