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Toshiba SD210E Problem

kiwijade669 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th November 2002, 11:23

I recently bought this multiregional dvd player which has been fine up until I tried to play a Region 1 dvd.

Once it loads the picture appears as though the `tracking` needs adjusting (just like vhs recorders).

The main dvd screen appears, then splits in five and flickers like mad - no amount of messing about with the menus seems to solve the problem. (I have tried the dvds on other multiregional players and they work fine)

Can anyone recommend a solution? If so can you explain in idiot terms as I`m not very technical :)

Many thanks

RE: Toshiba SD210E Problem

Neon (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th November 2002, 12:11

It may be your TV. The Tosh outputs true NTSC to the US standard. A lot of other makes of player output NTSC either as PAL (the UK standard) or at PAL frame rates. Both these options allow a lot of older TVs to work with NTSC dvds.

RE: Toshiba SD210E Problem

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th November 2002, 13:41

Moved to Hardware Forum from General Forum


RE: Toshiba SD210E Problem

kiwijade669 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th November 2002, 08:45

Erm... I still haven`t got a clue... :-s

RE: Toshiba SD210E Problem

Jonathan H (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th November 2002, 10:30


I have the same dvd player - you`ll see my query about a similar problem elsewhere here!

The answer is likely to be in your TV. I could get playback in b&w (because of other devices - vcr, cablebox - in the Scart chain), until I plugged directly via Scart into the Sony TV. Go to `Set up` menu and choose the RGB output mode (last selection on the menu). You should get colour, like I did. If you don`t, I would suggest that the problem lies with your TV, and you should try another with Scart input.


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