Page 1 of Sony RDR-HX710 DVD Recorder

Hack Help Forum

Sony RDR-HX710 DVD Recorder

BuffaloT (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 2nd October 2005, 09:48

Does anyone know of a Multiregion Hack for the Sony RDR-HX710 DVD recorder. I am considering geting rid of my Panasonic Video and Toshiba DVD player(which I have hacked to read Region 1DVD`s) but would like to know if the Sony can be hacked. I would appreciate any help that anyone can give. :)

RE: Sony RDR-HX710 DVD Recorder

Justybabes (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 2nd October 2005, 20:23

No handset hacks for any of these models. If you about to buy it, just buy it pre-modified for multiregion from a specialist AV dealer, theres plenty online that offer it M/R new in the price!

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