Page 1 of Best Value pre-order UK PSP Value Pack

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Best Value pre-order UK PSP Value Pack

BassmanUK (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 15th May 2005, 13:37

I want to pre-order the UK PSP Value Pack when it come sout on 1st September. I`ve seen places offering to pre-order them, but was wondering if there are any places that are offering anything beter, like additional game/carry case etc?

Where would i be best placing my pre-order?


RE: Best Value pre-order UK PSP Value Pack

bigkahunas (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 15th May 2005, 16:58

i`d say wait until nearer the time, i`m pretty sure you`d get a better deal pre-ordering within a month of release, than now, 4months early.

but thats just my thoughts..

RE: Best Value pre-order UK PSP Value Pack

BassmanUK (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 07:46

no-one else?

RE: Best Value pre-order UK PSP Value Pack

IndianaJones00 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 12:51

I would order a US or JPN one, no doubt when its released in the UK it will be more expensive anyway so no real reason to hold off unless you dont have the money at the moment.

RE: Best Value pre-order UK PSP Value Pack

bigkahunas (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 18th May 2005, 18:08

My plan is to buy loads of games now from USA, play them to death - then when the UK version is released sell the ones i`ve completed and make my money back ! :)

I`m pretty sure UK Games will be more than £24.99 at launch. Even if i recoup some money its good enough,

RE: Best Value pre-order UK PSP Value Pack

GeeMan1973 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 19th May 2005, 12:06

I`ve got some money spare and was considering getting a PSP. The cheapest i`ve seen so far is £135 for the standard pack - no accessories:

has anyone seen it cheaper? I know it doesn`t matter if you get a Japanese or US one - but obviously games would have to be from the US for English...

any other ideas chaps/chapesses?


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