Page 1 of ASDA - chocolate reductions (inc kit ca$h)

Bargain Buckets Forum

ASDA - chocolate reductions (inc kit ca$h)

Chris Grant (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 1st July 2006, 13:03

yes again, I go for a loaf of bread and see see somthing really good.....

ASDA in Broadstairs (my local) - End of sweet isle close to corner.

Nestle KitKit 4x4 finger bars (date 01/10/2006) £0.25
Nestle KitKit 12 x 4 (kitcash promotion) (date 01 Sep 06) £0.25
Nestle KitKiat Editions - Caramel 3 bars (date 01 Aug 06) £0.25
GoZero lolly mix (boiled, not frozen) (date jan 07) £0.25
Net Carb - truffle cups (Date 01 nov 06) £0.25

I also picked up a new brita water jug and filter (marella XL) for £10.00 (reduced from £15.00)



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