Info and forum posts by 'Steamboat Willy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 6th January 2005, 01:00, Last used: Thursday, 24th November 2005, 19:08

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 59 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: What`s going on ???

Hopefully in a week or two when I get the time, I`m going to put in the option to buy extra days. The cost of which will directly relate to the number of fights you`ve had.

Interesting - I have been waiting to see if this would be implemented ; if this is the case, I might just have to dust off the SW dynasty for a few more fights.

RE: MoreGremlins

You`ll probably need to "Log Out", then log back in again under your new username.

(Look for something like "You are logged in as X, Log Out" at the top left of the screen)

RE: Alltime Best Gremlins

Ouch! 100 XP a fight nowadays? Is that the going rate?

Don`t think I`ll be mounting a challenge for the top again any time soon.



I am the original Steamboat Willy, creator of SW I, II and III.

I just wanted to make you all aware that Steamboat Willy IV is ***NOT*** a continuation of this player`s characters - it is an imposter!!!

Hoping that I wasn`t going to notice??? You`ll have to do better than that.

RE: ethics

Erm - Beware folks ; "Steamboat Willy" is not the same as "Steamboat willy" - it appears that someone here is an imposter....


ps:how do u put images on forum signatures

Newbies can`t do it - your account has to be 30 or more days old.

It`s stated quite clearly in the "Sample Code" section of the message posting pages...

This item was edited on Friday, 1st April 2005, 16:00

RE: hardest punches

lol - I am be gremlin-less (is that a word? If not, I have just invented it...) at the moment, but I am still reading the boards...I was just about to post the info that Beth kindly supplied myself. nice to have some backup ;-)

Yes - you are guarenteed a hit the third time you punch ; "attack" and "defense" phase alternative between the gremlin ; so the latest you will land a punch is in Round 6 (round 5 if you attack in round 1).

If your gremlin has low dex compared to your opponent, then you`re also guarenteed to hit in rounds 12 and 18 (or 11 and 17 if you are attacking first).

So - erm, knightmare - it is you who is wrong ; you dont get to the top without knowing the rules of the game you`re playing!

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Steamboat Willy III has left the building...

Steamboat Willy III
Owner is
Steamboat Willy
Strength: 67
Stamina: 18002
Dexterity: 17570
Likes nothing
Dislikes nothing
Age: R.I.P.
Won: 1209
Lost: 148

RE: hardest punches

oh yeah as if fat arsed yanks can even take off 1000+ 3 times against willy

he wouldnt land a shot

That`s where you`re wrong - in a fight of 20 rounds, you are guarenteed at least three hits by the new fight code. As I understand it, each time it is your "attack phase", you have a counter that increases from 1 to 3 each time you miss your opponent and on the third attack, you are certain to land a hit.

RE: Steamboat Willy III regains top spot from SL Army

It appears that I have indeed survived into a third day as a pensioner...however this is definitely SW3`s final day, as he`s just turned 28 days old - the first of the SW dynasty to enjoy the maximum potential life-span...

RE: Steamboat Willy III regains top spot from SL Army

I think SW III dies tonight at midnight - second day as a pensioner now...

RE: Steamboat Willy III regains top spot from SL Army

Well - I`m not actively recruiting - however if anyone`s got a challenge left at the end of the day to throw my way, it`ll not be rejected... ;-)

RE: Steamboat Willy III regains top spot from SL Army

My grem thanks you very much - he`s "getting on" at the moment ; so he has a couple of days at each of "silver haired" and "a pensioner", I guess - it`ll probably give him another 4 or 5 days of life...

Steamboat Willy III regains top spot from SL Army

With stats currently at 67/10913/12048 and 846 wins, Steamboat Willy III now has a score of 31488 ; enough to regain all-time top gremlin status from the late lamented SL Army.

He`s "getting on" at the moment ; so should have a few days left in him yet...

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd March 2005, 14:38

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

Let`s play anorak and make predictions ;-)

I am getting on average 45 fights a day ; if I can win most of them and get 34 points each for fighting, that should be about 2000 XP per day. If SW lives to be 25 days old, that`ll give him another 11 days in which he`ll probably score 22000 XP ; I reckon he`ll end somewhere around 40000 XP.

{Editing : forgot to allow for the 10 points you get on the leader board for winning the fight}

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th March 2005, 13:59

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

Looks like the whole SL thing has wound down for the moment - they claim to have got bored and to have buggered off to invade another site. I wonder how many of them are still reading these boards though ;-)

For anyone keeping count, SW3 was born on 3/3/05 ; so he`s 14 days old today - that gives him between 7 and 14 days left. He appears to be "aging" slightly slower than the grems born at the same time - so I am guessing he has about 10 days left.

Top spot is at 31000-ish at the moment ; I am on about 18000, allowing for the points I have banked today - so need another 13000 or so in 10 days - about 1300 XP/day.

If there are any younger grems out there in a position to make a move, feel free to nominate and challenge them!

To give you an example - if there are say, 100 challenges from folk to a top Gremlin X (not necessarily SW3) and he won most of them - Grem X would probably bag about 3000 XP from the exercise.

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th March 2005, 13:19

RE: How about sunday league Vs Reviewer ?

Erm - Excuse me JiffyBag - who`s gloating? I`ve not boasted once about getting to the top of the league. I have my eye set on knocking SL off the top of the all time league.

I`ve been playing this game a lot longer than you - I`ve had to deal with a number of rules changes over the last few months - some favourable to me, some unfavourable. These rules changes are no different.

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th March 2005, 07:15

RE: Change in XP

Nothing to be ashamed of! In fact, back in the day - I recall in the mid-80s, I was experimenting with getting my ZX Speccy 48K online using something like a 240 baud modem. The connection was sometimes shaky - and I dont think my mum was too happy with the idea of using up the phone line either - I love broadband! ;-)

RE: Gremlins growing stronger

Crikey - I bet that put you up the league!

Yup - up 17 places into 6th in the current table.

RE: Gremlins growing stronger

Well - I know I spent about 3000 XP I had banked yesterday - just to let the other grems know I am still here ;-)

RE: Was fun all

My little grem Steamboat Willy would like to make it known he`s going to remain neutral in the SL v Reviewer wars. Gonna be fun to watch though.


Well - I am a Wolves season ticket holder - was born there, so it`s sort of a legal requirement that I support them.

How many "football fans" actually go to see matches on a regular basis?



This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st March 2005, 23:18

RE: Jealousy indeed

We are not interested in YOUR site`s poxy forums (ours are far far better!), we are invading the Gremlin league tables and judging by the latest update, dominating it as well!

Right - that`s it, I`ve had enough - Steamboat Willy III and some of his buddies will be on their way soon to kick your butt. Dominating the league, indeed.

RE: DVD storage/rack`s....where can i get a decent one from?...any ideas?


This item was edited on Sunday, 27th February 2005, 15:56

RE: Missing Top Gremlins!-A Theory!

I was hoping PeeWee would die overnight so Steamboat Willy I (the original and the best) would stay at number one in the charts. Ain`t happened though.

Watch out for Steamboat Willy III - coming to a gremlin arena near you soon!

RE: Missing Top Gremlins!-A Theory!

Well - I can`t speak for any other grems, but I am keeping an eye on the top spot in the all time league at the moment - looks like it could be under threat soon - it that`s the case, then you expect my grem to come out of retirement!

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Steamboat Willy II has been terminated after falling into a coma caused by lack of fight practice.


RE: Gremlin Graveyard

A true giant of the gremlin world, Steamboat Willy has fallen in battle - the greatest gremlin ever to have lived. Long may his memory make other mortals tremble to their core.

Born 06/01/05
Died 28/01/05

Owner is
Steamboat Willy
Strength: 66
Stamina: 7208
Dexterity: 7198
Likes nothing
Dislikes nothing
Age: R.I.P.
Won: 664
Lost: 57
Challenges Waiting: 0

This item was edited on Saturday, 29th January 2005, 00:11

RE: Gremlins Age

Although we are still trying to decide the exact cost, we are planning on letting people buy more days for their gremlin (the virtual vitamin pill) for a chunk of XP.

I rather fear this might be implemented a little bit too late for my little grem - he`s already a pensioner!