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    Review of Moody Blues, The: The Lost Performance: Live In Paris `70

    5 / 10


    The Moody Blues have been around a long time and when they made this show for French television they had already produced at least 4 albums (those things on vinyl).

    There are fifteen tracks included on the DVD with evocative songs such as Lovely to See You, Question and Nights in White Satin.


    It is a pretty basic recording and there is not a whole lot to see apart from the back of the heads of the audience and the dubious fashion choices of the group. At one point a member of the audience leaves; you may feel the same as the visuals are rather dull.


    Billed as 5.1 this has been enhanced using new techniques (which remain a mystery to me) but it remains a recording of a television programme featuring a limited number of instruments and there is not a whole lot happening on the 5 speakers. Having said that the vocals are superb; the very clear and strong voice of Justin Hayward served to remind me how much I loved `Nights in White Satin`.


    None included.


    At the risk of repeating myself and my fellow reviewers we have here another non-spectacular music DVD that fails to do what a decent CD would do. For a start you can`t play it in the car, except those posh people with in-car DVD, and I`m sure the sound quality even enhanced would not win in a competition against recently pressed albums. It therefore remains as an archive recording of a successful band, showcasing some of there hits and potential hits as they were in 1970. It is a curiosity and fans of the band will be interested and those that buy everything will buy this, whatever any reviewer says about it but it would not excite the layman much. There is only so much that can be done and I`m not convinced that it is worth doing-after all we heard them all in mono those days.

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