Review for The Dilbert Principle

One of the big advantages of a wall full of books is coming across something acquired many years ago that suddenly takes on a new relevance. This first edition of the Dilbert Principle came from family in the USA.

Scott Adams may be better known for his cartoons, but this book is a goldmine! It touches on many management ideas that have been in circulation and are still hanging around.

So what had I in mind when this book nearly jumped out of the bookcase!

I read (I think in The Independant) of a book entitled 'Nudge' by Thaler and Sunstein -  which is alleged compulsory reading for much of the newly form Con-Lib Coaltion Government. This book considers apparantly  small 'nudges' that have a significant effect on behaviour. The example quoted is a small fly painted in a particular place on an urinal reduces splashing and thus the expense of cleaning!

What I had in mind was a group of cabinet ministers and their top civil servants engrossed in discussion about how to make downsizing of the public services palatable!

Hence The Dilbert Principle! Chapter 21 covers downsizing! It looks as if the attitudes to business are right up the Coalition's street, except they may see it as the way forward and not just humour.

Well worth a read for any senior manager in the public sector.

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