Creative Writing for Dummies

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Retail Price (Hardback): £15.99
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ISBN: 978 0 4 7429170
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On the Cover:

Develop the writing know-how that will keep your readers hooked.
Do you have an idea for a novel (or a poem, or an article, or a play ...) that you'd love to finally get down on paper? Whatever your aim, inside you'll find the advice and support to get you started and keep you going. From preparing a writing workspace to marshalling your material into both fiction and non-fiction genres, Creative Writing For Dummies has everything you need to help you unlock your creativity and make your writing sparkle.

• So you want to be a write - pick and choose between genres, gather the materials you need and develop the right routines
• He said what? When? - discover how to fit character, voice, dialogue and plot together
• Telling tales - differentiate between novels, novellas and short stories, write plays for the stage or screen, wax lyrical in poetry or dip into children's writing
• Matters of fact - blog about anything and everything, brael into journalism, and let life stories, narrative non-fiction and travel writing leap off the page
• From pastime to profession - crack the world of publishing and go professional with you hobby

(posted by a member of the Association for Management Education and Development [AMED])


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