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Cher, The Best Of: The Video Collection (UK) (DVD Details)

Unique ID Code: 0000061781
Added by: Mark Oates
Added on: 12/7/2004 03:46
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    Review of Cher, The Best Of: The Video Collection

    7 / 10


    If there`s one performer who has perfected the technique of reinventing herself, that performer is Cher. Warner Music Vision has collected together the music videos of sixteen of her top-selling hits, and present them in a knockout package with matching sound. In my opinion this is what a DVD album should be, rather than a recording of a concert. Don`t get me wrong, I`ve seen some good concert videos in my time, but they`re always cover versions of tunes (even if they`re performed by the original artist). You don`t seem to get many original recordings - as music videos - on DVD or tape and it`s nice to see the music videos again.

    Cher`s music videos are always eye-catching, and in respect of seeing some of her classic hits you`re very well served by this disc.


    Okay, if there`s a niggle, it`s that the videos are all presented in non-anamorphic 4:3, so the ones that were shot in 16:9 are shown letterboxed whatever your setup. And some of the videos betray their NTSC videotape origins. It`s nothing much to complain about.


    This is where the disc excels. There are the original Dolby Digital 2.0 soundtracks you would expect on a music video. They`re fine but they`re nothing to write home about. They`re the quality you`d expect on MTV. Then you have the option in the setup menu to hear the tracks in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround. And surround it does. I`d say it was an excellent disc to demonstrate the difference between plain stereo and DD5.1. The sound has masses more oomph (a technical term), and the sound literally surrounds you, with Cher`s voice in the middle. All the tracks have been processed for 5.1 and they all benefit massively from the format.


    Sadly there aren`t any. Not even lyrics or subtitles. The menu is a static card that allows you to set up the sound, choose a track, but that`s your lot.


    Sixteen tracks that cover Cher`s solo career from curiosities like Halfbreed to hits like Believe and The Shoop Shoop Song. All accompanied by their original music videos. Go back to the days of Cher singing "If I Could Turn Back Time" on the deck of a US warship in a costume she must have bought at Ann Summers. If you`re not a fan, this disc might convince you otherwise.

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