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Surfing Hollow Days (UK) (DVD Details)

Unique ID Code: 0000017906
Added by: Giles Manton
Added on: 1/10/2001 13:21
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    Review of Surfing Hollow Days

    4 / 10


    Did you ever see a film called Big Wednesday? A film about a group of surfers in the 60s with a very foot loose and fancy-free attitude. Each went their own separate ways during the Vietnam War, but came back together after learning about the world… and still loved to surf.

    Well in the middle of this film there is a bit where Jan Michael Vincent (well before his Airhawk days), the star of the surfing community at the time, visits a cinema with his family showing footage of the great surfers of the world.

    This DVD, is basically that film that Vincent went to see. Shot in the 60s, the cameraman and director clearly has a passion for his sport. It is introduced by him at the start and he clearly never signed up to the 9-5 working regime - there isn`t an ounce of stress in his face.

    The beaches of California, Hawaii and various locations around Australia and New Zealand are the main ones covered as you see surfers surf in small, medium and large waves. There is a small break from this as you also get a flavour of the beach life in the locations from time to time.

    What starts off as novel and interesting quickly starts to tire. You really have to be a surfing enthusiast to like this bit of 60s nostalgia, otherwise I believe you will be enduring the last 60 minutes of this 75 minute film like this reviewer did.


    This is essentially 60s cine-camera stuff which, considering its age looks quite good! Only 4:3 here but the print is mainly clean with good focus. As is traditional with 60s film stock, the colours are slightly overemphasised - the blues of the sea and sky are a little too rich, and it adds extra colour to the surfers faces. There are a few speckles and dirt evident on the print, but not too much to mar the presentation.


    Mono only, however you only have to contend with a commentary about the surfers and the background music. These are clear so no real complaints there, however not one to show off your system.




    Really just one for the enthusiasts amongst you. It is quite fun and takes you back to a 60s playful innocence which is evident in the commentary track. However I`m not an avid surfing fan, so 75 minutes of this was a little too much for me to take.

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