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Overnight update

ralph.furley (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 4th June 2006, 05:45

Lisa has joined Imogens group after sam told her everything that Lea and Richard had said about everybody in the house.

Sam has joined too and they have vowed to protect her.

But of course the big story is Grace and the use of the word wigger.

The pc brigade have had a field day with this one.
She has now been branded a racist on the BB web site.

RE: Overnight update

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 4th June 2006, 10:52

It`s "Wigga" foo!

And is that actually racist? Black culture bastardised the racist derogatory term for it`s own usage, turning it into a non-racist term. Someone swaps the N for a W, so it can be used to specifically refer to white people.

Don`t get where it becomes racist again, maybe I`m missing something.

Interesting that Sam has joined the plastics. Especially considering how much they have bitched about her this last week. Does she really think they care about anything other them their own safety in the house?


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Overnight update

skeletonkey (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 4th June 2006, 11:16

Sam`s annoying me...he is incredibly fake! "You`re amazing!!!!!!!!!!" :$

RE: Overnight update

OVERLORD (Competent) posted this on Monday, 5th June 2006, 05:32

It`s "Wigga" foo!

And is that actually racist? Black culture bastardised the racist derogatory term for it`s own usage, turning it into a non-racist term. Someone swaps the N for a W, so it can be used to specifically refer to white people.

Don`t get where it becomes racist again, maybe I`m missing something.

Yes, you are missing something! Maybe it`s a generation thing. Not!

I`ll try referring my Mother in that fashion to see what her response is! Just as an experiment to see if she`s so hip with your analogy! And whilst we`re now comfortable with these new meanings for these derogatory expressions. And while I`m doing that I`ll see if the Bitch comes to your way of thinking, seeing as everyone with no class is comfortable with those words!

I for one have never called any of my friends either of those names out of respect for my culture and theirs. I don`t think most of my family and friends would use these words as some form of endearment either, if it was!

Just because some less educated express themselves in such a derogatary manner doesn`t make it ok in my book!

I think most of the Ho`s in tha house will agree. You get me!

RE: Overnight update

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 5th June 2006, 11:23

Never said it wasn`t derogatory, merely not racist. :)


"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott

RE: Overnight update

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 5th June 2006, 16:04

Yes, you are missing something! Maybe it`s a generation thing. Not!
...actually, I think it might be - it`s certainly a pretty "new" word.

I`ll try referring my Mother in that fashion to see what her response is! Just as an experiment to see if she`s so hip with your analogy! And whilst we`re now comfortable with these new meanings for these derogatory expressions. And while I`m doing that I`ll see if the Bitch comes to your way of thinking, seeing as everyone with no class is comfortable with those words!
:o ....I`d never even heard of "wigger" (I had to google the meaning!). I asked my mom and sister, and they`d never heard of it either... And didn`t Grace say it about Sam - who is black - so it kinda doesn`t make sense anyway.... :/

This item was edited on Monday, 5th June 2006, 17:16

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