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Page 1 of [VIDEO] What happened to the Photography industry in 2014

Photography Forum

[VIDEO] What happened to the Photography industry in 2014

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2015, 09:41

Interesting article...

TL;DR version... compact cameras are dying, as people use mobile phones. Mirrorless cameras not really making a huge impact. Lenses and DSLRs declining, which probably means they'll get even more expensive. :(

Talky version if you don't want to read...


My Flickr Photostream

Thanks from: ste_p0270

RE: [VIDEO] What happened to the Photography industry in 2014

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 8th February 2015, 11:48

interesting read indeed.

i think a lot of blame has to lie at the feet of camera manufacturers like
(and not just) Nikon & Canon.

i understand the need for progress, but releasing a "new" camera which
is only slightly better than the previous iteration less than 12 months later
is taking the p***. 

take the D5000, then D5100, D5200, D5300 then D5500 (wot no D5400?
those crazy Japanese and their fear of "4"), there's probably only 6 years
between all of those models.

i know it's the same with mobile phones, but you normally upgrade every
2 years, and it's not like you need to shell out all of the cost upfront again.

me? i'm very happy with my OM-D E-M5 which will (hopefully) serve me
for another couple of years before i can afford an OM-D E-M5-II :)

and i can't see any phone offering the same flexibility or quality of image
any time soon.

My Flickr Photostream

RE: [VIDEO] What happened to the Photography industry in 2014

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 8th February 2015, 12:06

The bottom line is probably more expensive (if that's possible) Prosumer DSLRs.

So camera nuts will have emptier pockets and the pocket/compact market will eventually disappear completely when we've all had surgically implanted iphones and GoPros


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: [VIDEO] What happened to the Photography industry in 2014

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 8th February 2015, 13:33

i seem to be quite old fashioned, I like my phone to be a phone, and my camera a camera.

Admittedly I have a cheap (sub £100 phone) and also a cheap (sub £100) camera, so my camera is much better at photos than my phone, if either was to do i.e., I don't know if I'd get a better phone to have a better phone/camera in one machine, or keep to separates, which in most things has been the best if not cheapest way of doing things ;)

That said, as I've said before, as my grandad said about me, I  take snaps, not photos (he was a bit of a photographer snob), but he's right, I just want to point and click, I can't be arsed to set up for ages to take a photo, and most of the time I just want to take photos of the girls, which doesn't lend itself to setting up the scene :)

My friends do seem the opposite to me, they either have expensive phones so use them as cameras, and/or they have "expensive" ( I wouldn't really know what is and isn't expensive, but they look it ;) )DSLRs, I think my mum is the only person I know who still uses a digital compact like me!

This item was edited on Sunday, 8th February 2015, 13:36

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