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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Which ISP?

dvd_vicar (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd January 2005, 06:19

Our exchange gets enabled in two weeks.
Please can anyone recommend a reliable, ISP for a 1mb unlimited connection?

"I always told myself size wasn`t important - `til I wanted a new telly"

RE: Which ISP?

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd January 2005, 06:37

Unlimited connections are pretty rare these days.

I`m on NTL`s excellent 1.5MB service, have my PC working day and night and I`ve never had problems with them regarding limits (Though they do state they have them now) and it`s excellent, though you do need an NTL connection to get it of course

RE: Which ISP?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd January 2005, 08:36

exactly the same as above. Except im on the 750k connection because I dont need as much p0rn

I Dont know Karate...but I know Ker-azy!
What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Which ISP?

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 22nd January 2005, 18:55

AAh, I get all I need of that from Hotbird!!!

RE: Which ISP?

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 22nd January 2005, 19:35

Pipex are reliable, and unlimited from friends` experience.

I have Blueyonder 1mbit - it is unlimited and is £25 a month - it started at 512k and it`s been increased twice for no extra charge, which was nice of them. :) If you are in a Blueyonder cabled area it`s worth considering.


This item was edited on Saturday, 22nd January 2005, 19:37

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