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Page 1 of Boris the not-a-spider

General Forum


Boris the not-a-spider

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 10th May 2021, 10:40

So, Boris wants to bring in compulsory voter photo ID. I mean, wow, if this isn't a blatant attempt to remove large numbers of non-Tory voters from the electoral process... I'm not sure what is.


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RE: Boris the not-a-spider

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th May 2021, 11:27

if I didn't know better I'd think that this was a non starter to draw attention away from him being investigated for funding a holiday now after the possible flat decorating scam.

RE: Boris the not-a-spider

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 10th May 2021, 19:19

Robee J Shepherd says...
"So, Boris wants to bring in compulsory voter photo ID. I mean, wow, if this isn't a blatant attempt to remove large numbers of non-Tory voters from the electoral process... I'm not sure what is."

What's the issue with this?



Si Wooldridge

RE: Boris the not-a-spider

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 10th May 2021, 20:09

Si Wooldridge says...
"What's the issue with this?"

Call me old fashioned, I think all the people who do not have a passport or a driving license should still be allowed to vote.

But you know, who cares if 7.5% of the population can't vote if they aren't Tory voters.


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RE: Boris the not-a-spider

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 10th May 2021, 20:12

Robee J Shepherd says...
"Call me old fashioned, I think all the people who do not have a passport or a driving license should still be allowed to vote.

But you know, who cares if 7.5% of the population can't vote if they aren't Tory voters."

Call me old-fashioned but does the announcement specifically state passport or driving licence or does it just say photo id?

And, of course, you know that Labour members have to have photo id to vote in internal elections so they're alright...

And what if that photo ID turned out to be free?


Si Wooldridge

This item was edited on Monday, 10th May 2021, 20:21

RE: Boris the not-a-spider

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 10th May 2021, 20:42

Si Wooldridge says...
"Call me old-fashioned but does the announcement specifically state passport or driving licence or does it just say photo id?"

Those are the two main forms of photo ID in the UK. The majority of people who do not have either of those two forms, do not have photo id.

Most importantly, when we have absolutely NO NEED for photo id under our current system, why change the current system?

This has absolutely nothing to do with Labour and it's rules. I don't understand what that has to do with voting in a government election. Unless you have mistaken me again for a member or supporter of the Labour party.

Even if voter ID is free, large parts of the population distrust the government and do not want them. But right now they have a legal right to vote, so they can vote.

Again, why change this? Why spend money the country does not have a surplice of on something there is absolutely no evidence we need? Unless it's to suppress votes?

And oh my god, what kind of a junk Labour hate rag site is that you've found? Exposing politics... but only bad things about Labour. DNS registrar is hidden. Hosted on a server in the US. If that isn't run by a Russian government funded group I'd be shocked. It's hardly a reputable source.


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RE: Boris the not-a-spider

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 10th May 2021, 20:58

Robee J Shepherd says...
"And oh my god, what kind of a junk Labour hate rag site is that you've found? Exposing politics... but only bad things about Labour. DNS registrar is hidden. Hosted on a server in the US. If that isn't run by a Russian government funded group I'd be shocked. It's hardly a reputable source."

I'll be honest, I have no idea - I just google searched it.  Still, it might have been Skwarkbox or something similar that is just a junk Conservative hate rag site with only bad things about the Conservatives.  I guess this one is potentially niche though, whereas Skwarkbox is more mainstream amongst the Corbynistas.

The point is, as an ex-Work Coach in a Job Centre I know that photo ID is required for a number of things that the unemployed need access to and therefore it is required already in large areas of life.

And there is an easy option for those on low income, especially as (certainly in my time) the Job Centre pay for it as well for those on benefits when required.

I'm assuming you're aware that voter ID has been required in Northern Ireland since 2003, as introduced by Labour.

Now I'm not wholly for or opposed to it, but I'd like to see the detail before coming out against it - especially if the voter ID is both free and can be used for other things like opening a bank account, etc...


Si Wooldridge

RE: Boris the not-a-spider

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 10th May 2021, 21:04

And it may help to encourage people to register and vote in future elections, if you look at this from the Electoral Reform Society back in 2019:

I assume this site is ok as the Guardian used this for an article at the time to highlight that more than 9m people were not registered to vote.

Not saying it will or won't, but worth considering, isn't it?


Si Wooldridge

RE: Boris the not-a-spider

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 10th May 2021, 21:22

I think it would be useful to find out the reason for it, voter fraud doesn't seem to be an issue, so it's not that. There seems to be better things to spend the money on as various politicians have said.

tin foil hat mode on, I wonder who owns the company which could make the "free" ID cards ;)

this is crying out for a Mark Thomas style expose :)

RE: Boris the not-a-spider

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 11th May 2021, 08:08

admars says...
"tin foil hat mode on, I wonder who owns the company which could make the "free" ID cards ;)

this is crying out for a Mark Thomas style expose :)"

Happy for someone to pick up that mantle if they so wish...


Si Wooldridge

Liked by: admars

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