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Jokes you have played on people

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th April 2002, 00:36

My friend asked me this in Uni, i didn`t fall for it but loads of people I`ve asked have.

Try this

Ask someone to say Silk, Silk, Silk

And then straight away ask them What do Cows drink?

90% of people will say Milk !

I then normally ask them really? and they often said yes and argue with me that Cows really drinks milk!

or (I`ve tried this but read it from another forum)

Step 1: Approach an attractive female, preferably one who is `well endowed`.
Step 2: Tell female the startling fact that "only 15% of women can touch their elbows behind their back".
Step 3: Stand back and enjoy view as female attempts to see if this is true.

Just don`t blame me if you get a slap.

or (I never done this personally)

Phoned up a friend at another department and said you`re gonna get a phone-call in a minute, just go along with it. Then put a `while you were out` note on a colleagues desk asking them to phone Phil McHunt.

They come back and start dialing. the conversation should goes something like this:

"Hello, is Phil there"
"Sorry we`ve got a couple of Phils here. Which one were you after"
"Erm, Phil McHunt"
"Sorry it`s a bit noisy here, what was the name again?"
Louder"McHunt, Phil McHunt. He`s just phoned."
The last one is a bit rude though.

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th April 2002, 00:37

RE: Jokes you have played on people

Chris W (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th April 2002, 11:40

Just wondering why you are copying posts from thedvdforums

And then putting your name on it?

Edit: Well I now see that you are probably the same Raymond who posted the Milk story on the dvd forums - oops. You should really have mentioned where you got the others from however. Especially after the freebieking incident recently.

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th April 2002, 11:49

RE: Jokes you have played on people

Raymond (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th April 2002, 15:54

I am the same raymond who posted in another forum, and you can se that the other two I have put down that I got it from another forum.

RE: Jokes you have played on people

Chris W (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th April 2002, 19:03

I think its the fact that you have copied exactly the same thread title and then copied the text directly from a forum that recently banned someone for just copying posts and putting them on other web sites/forums that needs addressing.

As to your reply, it doesn`t make much sense when your title is "Jokes YOU have played on people" as two of the three have not been played by you.

Cutting and pasting is all well when the original author(s) is/are credited.

RE: Jokes you have played on people

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 10:03

not to mention the fact that yer a boring dick

RE: Jokes you have played on people

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 11:42

If you can get your hands on one of those little silver alarm things you get on CD`s and DVD`s in the likes of HMV/Virgin that is still active you can have great fun. Simpely insert said silver alarm thingy in to a friends coat lining/wallet/handbag and pee yourself laughing as they are stoped as they go in and out of most larger shops in your city/town.

It made me laugh anyway.

All the best,


This item was edited on Monday, 8th April 2002, 11:42

RE: Jokes you have played on people

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 14:57

I`ve had someone slip Tobasco sauce into my pint before. I was p*ssed off at the time but can see the funny side now.

Lets say you get a bit parched, a bit exhausted from running around. Naturally, a beer is a good antidote to this. Lets say this beer is ale or bitter so is a dark colour to begin with. With those little Tobasco bottles you can do this unnoticed and the recipient will down his/her drink with gusto.

It takes a few moments for the Tobasco to kick in. A burning sensation, belching and heartburn are common side effects. They`ll think its the beer multiplied by 100.

B*stards! :D

RE: Jokes you have played on people

Paull (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 15:07

I`m all for a laugh...but mucking about with peoples food or drink can be dangerous. Especially if it`s mine!!!

RE: Jokes you have played on people

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 15:26

A mate once had Ralgex rubbed on to his plumbs for his 18th. Luckely he said it was so bad he would never do it back.

All the best,


RE: Jokes you have played on people

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Monday, 8th April 2002, 15:37

Any joke that involves wasting a pint of lager is not funny! :-)

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