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Page 1 of Find out how you are going to die

General Forum

Find out how you are going to die

The Minister (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th January 2006, 21:55

(Props to Holly Golightly on ds for this one)

Find out how you end your life, the google way. Go to google, type "(your name) was killed by" and see what the end of life holds in store for you. Remember to use the quotations marks, or else it wont work!

Here are mine:

Wayne was killed by Tony Danza
Wayne was killed by being thrown from a rig
Wayne was killed by a mugger and not his parents
Wayne was killed by a train
Wayne was killed by Iraqis
Wayne was killed by an atomic bomb
Wayne was killed by the government

He`s red, he`s lean,
He`s our new goal machine,
Peter Crouch...Peter Crouch

RE: Find out how you are going to die

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th January 2006, 22:34

Paul was killed by Vatican officials
Paul was killed by revolutionists
Paul was killed by a lorry driver who was driving dangerously
Paul was killed by people who hated him
Paul was killed by a car bomb
Paul was killed by Kenny
Paul was killed by Nero in Rome

Brilliant :B

What I`m listening to...

RE: Find out how you are going to die

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th January 2006, 23:46

As paul has gone, i went for the middle name:

Christopher was killed by the coveneant (!)
Christopher was killed by an out of control hoon
Christopher was killed by a car (boring)
Christopher was killed by his cellmate (better)
Christopher was killed by indians (the best :D )
Christopher was killed by a bullet to the brain
Christopher was killed by two runaway slaves ( :D )
Christopher was killed by a hit and run driver
Christopher was killed by Lord Baltimore`s kinsman


The Bigman Cometh

RE: Find out how you are going to die

julianf (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th January 2006, 23:48

Julian was killed by one of his own soldiers
Julian was killed by shrapnel in Spain
Julian was killed by friendly fire while in the line of duty
Julian was killed by an impaired driver
Julian was killed by christians
Julian was killed by his mother
Julian was killed by Mr. Ernest Brown
Julian was killed by an avalanche

(i) Don`t join the army, that eliminates the top 3.
(ii) Don`t go skiing with my mum and her new man Ernie, that`s the bottom 3 sorted..
(iii) Remember, early rise in morning - getting lift to church from "Billy One-Arm"...


This item was edited on Saturday, 14th January 2006, 23:50

RE: Find out how you are going to die

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 09:33

Nick was killed by an explosion.
Nick was killed by one of two groups, both of whom are controlled by the worldwide Illuminati.
Nick was killed by a sniper`s bullet in Fallujah at age 22.
Nick was killed by al Qaeda terrorists.
Nick was killed by mortar fire in Kufa, Iraq.
Nick was killed by a heat-guided Syrian missile on the Golan Heights.
Nick was killed by Abu Musab al-Zarkawi.
Nick was killed by a drunk driver in Maryland.

Looks like I may have to rethink some travel plans! :p

This item was edited on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 09:33

RE: Find out how you are going to die

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 09:38

Pete was killed by a falling man
Pete was killed by a sniper on July 9, 1969
Pete was killed by a white supremacist
Pete, was killed by a hit-and-run driver
Pete was killed by Vietcong machine gun fire in Quang Tri Province in early 1968 (wow, specific)
Pete was killed by the mad geneticist, Nilas Roman
Pete was killed by the Nazis
Pete was killed by a mysterious gunshot
Pete was killed by a crazed Angel
Pete was killed by a bull Shark in the bay

It`ll never heal if you don`t stop picking...

My Collection

RE: Find out how you are going to die

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 11:32

Your search - "kathrine was killed by" - did not match any documents.

I`m immortal* you bitches, bow down before me! Muhahahahahaha!

* or possibly just possessing a interestingly-spelled name....


RE: Find out how you are going to die

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 12:06

How interesting. Apparently my (VERY) Welsh name was also that of a village in now Western Ukraine where atrocities were carried out to all the inhabitants. German troops, in 1943 burned the Russian, Czech, Polish & Jewish population.
Saying that, I`m also a "Gul" in the Cardassian Union according to a Star Trek Deep Space Nine web page too! :D

This item was edited on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 12:06

RE: Find out how you are going to die

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 12:13

David was killed by a Klingon officer
David was killed by a falling tree
David was killed by his wife Susan
David was killed by a drunk driver in 1989
David was killed by Palestinian Arab terrorists in 1996
David was killed by a passing train
David, was killed by a buffalo near Arusha in 1964
David was killed by the Kabasa gang at home
David was killed by an IED in Iraq on September 25, 2004
David, was killed by the Indians while he was in the field at work
David, was killed by Hamas terrorists in the Middle East in 1996
David, was killed by Adam Crichton, friar of Ruthven
David, was killed by an improvised explosive device in Iraq Oct. 31
David was killed by soldiers commanded by an SOA/WHINSEC graduate, General Luis Alfonso Zapata Uribe
David was killed by a hit-and-run motorist
David was killed by a mountain lion or a human predator

I could go on, but I die in so many ways; it`s quite depressing to have so many enemies at such a young age!

My Top 20 Horror Movies ---- My DVD Collection
I`m in pain and I`m wet and I`m still hysterical!

This item was edited on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 12:15

RE: Find out how you are going to die

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 12:24

Mark was killed by the robbery
Mark was killed by a drunk driver
Mark was killed by a impaired driver
Mark, was killed by a sniper in Iraq (managed to dodge that one!)
Mark was killed by a roadside bomb
Mark was killed by the police

Time for a career change again??? :/

`I am going to live forever, or die trying`...

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