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Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 12:27

Has any one taken out Anglian Windows` Gold a/c finance ? & paid off early?

I got a quote from Anglian windows for 20 windows ( 3 of them are bay windows), Front door, side door and French doors.
They are all in brown "golden oak" both inside & outside.
The price they gave me is £8,500 that is if I go through their finance deal or £11,000 if I pay cash.
I want to arrange my own finance as Anglian`s finance co charge 21.4% APR !!!.
The sales woman said that I could pay £8400 for my first payment instead of the normal £183 p.m. & leave a balance of £100. In the second month ring them & ask for a settlement figure & pay of the balance of £100 & the interest would be less than £5 for the 2 months balance of £100, but I am not convinced because it has penalty clauses for paying of early.
I signed the finance deal to get the windows at £8,500.
The copy of the paper work is illegible.

What do you think I should do next?
Thank you

RE: Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 12:41

erm, i would cancel within your 14 day cooling off and then get exact figures for poaying off early IN (LEGIBLE) WRITING. MY guess is that there will be a significant fee for paying off early, and it would not be much less than the 11k figure they told you for paying cash, otherwise why would they bother?

...look into my eyes

RE: Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 12:51

thank you for your qyick reply. I have asked the sales woman to come & see me regarding this.
Is the 14 day cooling period after I get a letter from the finance co or from the from the day I signed the Anglian peoples` paparwork?

Is £11,000 reasonable for it?

Thank you.

RE: Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 12:55

the 14 days will be from when you sign the paperwork with anglian, as this will have been the finance agreement.

not sure if £11k is a good price, it doesn`t sound extortinate, but i haven`t ever got any so i don`t know. try some other firms and see what the average quote is. It could well be worht trying a smaller local fitter, as the can be a s good as the bigger maker/fitter companies like anglia.

...look into my eyes

RE: Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 13:04


drop me a mail at awdarahbn[at]moc.liamtoh

I basically used to work for First National (the Finance Company in question) and i used to train the Anglian Salespeople on how to sell the finance.

Ignore the APR - it doesnt mean anything - only in the even you default on your payments.
What is important is the MONTHLY interest rate (i think it`ll be around 1,79% but there are sneeky ways around it)

Sorry i may not respond too quickly though as I`m in the process of moving and may not have access for a day or two.


RE: Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th August 2005, 09:57

Thanks Neil.
I have sent you an email.
I would appreciate if you can reply at your earliest chance because of the "cooling off" period.
She will possibly be coming to my house tomorrow evening.

Thanx in advance.

This item was edited on Monday, 29th August 2005, 11:07

RE: Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

marto (Competent) posted this on Monday, 29th August 2005, 13:54

tell them u want the windows for £8500 no finance deal or bugger off it stinks . maybe u should tell them where to shove it anyway. if they can drop the price that much for taking out a finance deal with them then they have obviously hiked the price up to blackmail u into it . these people are con artists in my book

RE: Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th August 2005, 14:19

The price sounds alright.
I was £4200 for 7 windows and 2 doors is mahogany UPVC,and that was a cheap quote.
Every other local company wanted £5000+
Ironically enough,the company that fitted mine went down the tubes not long after.
They did a superb job,but their margins were obviously too tight to exist.

RE: Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 2nd September 2005, 19:13

I had a chat with the manager, saying that I was fed up with their selling practices (finance deals), and I was going to cancel it.
He has now offered to do it as a cash deal ( i.e I will be arranging the finance) for £8500.
I have now paid the 10% deposit & I will arrange my own finance.(cahoot charge 5.8%APR which is a lot less than First National`s 21.4% & FN also would have charged £1300 plus for their "paymant protection plan" on which they would have also earned interest at 21.4%).
And they had originally wanted £11,000.00 for cash deal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This item was edited on Friday, 2nd September 2005, 20:18

RE: Anglian Windows finance deals ?? pls help.

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Friday, 2nd September 2005, 20:23

well done! probably got a reasonable deal now. Goes to show what a rip off their finance policy was. If you get no luck with cahoot, try Northern Rock - i have a 15k loan with them at an excellent rate, and they sent the cheque by courier the same day!

...look into my eyes

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