Page 1 of A Bittersweet Life (Spoiler warning)

DVDs & Films Forum

A Bittersweet Life (Spoiler warning)

1mills (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th July 2006, 21:58

Just finished watching this film and not too sure about the ending

(Just incase anyone has looked who hasn`t seen it yet)
What`s anyone`s opinion, was it

a) All Sun Woo`s fantasy?
b) Just a flashback to before everything happened, showing when everything was alright in his life

I`m of the opinion it was b) but seem to indicate a) when he started shadow boxing.

Thought it was good film though

My DVD Collection

RE: A Bittersweet Life (Spoiler warning)

LondonLee (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th July 2006, 17:44

Yep, I`d go along with b) also.
I`ve also done that when I`ve felt a possitive mood :)

RE: A Bittersweet Life (Spoiler warning)

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th July 2006, 18:13

Definate B.


RE: A Bittersweet Life (Spoiler warning)

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 5th July 2006, 18:24

In Hong Kong films anyone who takes action outside the law, has to pay a price, whether you are a gangster or a person out for revenge for example Bruce Lee, I think it`s their version of the Hays code, which probably applies anywhere outside the China, and in to other Asian countries such as Korea.

So the ending for A Bittersweet Life is, even though he`s paid the price for who he was, his own criminal past, and also his final revenge, the director tries to get round this strict rule by ending it on a flashback to give the character a sort of upbeat ending, rather than just ending it with him slowly bleeding to death.


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