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DVDs & Films Forum

is Hannibal RCE at all?

Chivalry (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd August 2001, 20:48

lo ppl.. i was lookin to buy hannibal but am unsure wheather it is RCE,, its for a present u c,, and i know that my mates dvd will play multi region... but dunno weather it beats RCE.. also is it just R1 versions that have RCE or do the R4 versions carry it also?,, in other words,, can i buy hannibal from Oz... :0) thnx ppl...... Chivalry
p.s. is there a site that tells u which discs r RCE ? cheerrs..

RE: is Hannibal RCE at all?

Frogmanirs (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd August 2001, 21:18

No its not :)
Rce discs are Warner and Columbia and HANNIBAL IS MGM!

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd August 2001, 21:19

RE: is Hannibal RCE at all?

STUDMANGAV (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th August 2001, 00:43

I type in RCE on in the search titles. Although you will get titles with something like foRCE come up. They do say that The shining (new version) is but I can vouch that my copy is not.

RE: is Hannibal RCE at all?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th August 2001, 11:58

Only R1 discs carry RCE at present.


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