Page 1 of Troy: opinions (+ details on Score)

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Troy: opinions (+ details on Score)

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th May 2004, 17:07

This might be something to download and keep. Gabriel Yared was hired to do the score for Troy, and he did. But someone didn`t like it. It may have been Wolfgang Petersen or a Warner Bros. Executive, I don`t know the full story. But click here and listen to the score (I don`t know if it`s just extracts or full tracks, I`m still downloading it). Apparently James Horner does the score for the final version and it`s getting singled out as one of the worst things in the movie. Good music is essential all of the time, but even more so for a film such as this... if it sucks then the film probably won`t have any kind of emotional kick.

I`m posting this now so you get a chance to download it incase it`s taken offline. It probably won`t since it`s not being used, and is available on Yared`s official site for free download. I read that it`s the same music used in the trailer, which was brilliant.

Having now just heard "1000 ships" I can say the quality of the MP3 is not great, but worth a listen.

Of course, if you`re not interested in Troy then this won`t be of much worth... but I think it looks good (but it`s being getting pretty bad reviews).

My DVD Collection
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This item was edited on Saturday, 15th May 2004, 18:31

RE: Troy score...

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 14th May 2004, 17:44

I really liked the trailer music, and was hoping that was going to be included in the film. Can you confirm if it Horner`s track or Yared`s?

RE: Troy score...

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th May 2004, 17:55

What about Troy CGI?

From the snippets I have seen on Sky news it looks dog awful.


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RE: Troy score...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th May 2004, 18:00

The FULL trailer had music that was, as far as I can find, Yared`s. Only having a 56k modem, I`ve only heard 3 tracks (and still downloading the Incredibles trailer, cheers :D ). They don`t sound familiar, but if it was indeed Yared`s music in the trailer, then I`m sure the theme is in there somewhere... hopefully.

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RE: Troy score...

RWB (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th May 2004, 18:21

If WB executives listened to both scores side-by-side, and Horner`s is indeed s***, then what on earth possessed them to make such a p***-poor choice? :/

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RE: Troy score...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th May 2004, 18:28

I`m not sure what went down with the situation, but in the past when a Studio didn`t like the score they either ask the composer to change it or hire another composer. James Horner probably had to rush a score and hence it must sound like generic s***e (but the Studio will think it "does the business"). I haven`t heard Horner`s, but I hear nothing wrong with Yared`s... yet ;)

Also, the Director should take a huge role in directing the score so I doubt it`s anything to do with Petersen... if he didn`t like Yared`s work he wouldn`t have let him complete the score.

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Troy score...

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th May 2004, 19:13

Having just downloaded the Troy score this morning I can honestly say that James Horner is a w***er. It really is s***e, as are most of his scores IMO because he steals other composer`s material and repeats the same things over and over in every one he does. Perfect example, his 4-note `danger` motif which you can hear at the start of the track `Through The Fires, Achilles...And Immortality` on the Troy score.

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! >:( Yet studios keep hiring him. I was really looking forward to this score (big film music fan) but couldn`t be more disappointed.

BTW, the music in the teaser trailer was by Justin Caine Burnett of Musikvergnuegen.... dunno about the full trailer though.

Expect the worst and you won`t be disappointed

RE: Troy score...

Mike Mclaughlin (Competent) posted this on Friday, 14th May 2004, 23:09

Very interesting stuff, cheers chewie.


RE: Troy score...

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 15th May 2004, 11:24

just got back from watching troy and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it`s VERY good, but the music spoils it :( no emotion at all. i don`t know what the original score was like but i hope it makes it onto dvd, even if it`s just an extra as the music that ended up on the movie does not seem to fit :/


general nobody @

RE: Troy score...

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 15th May 2004, 11:34

The same thing happened to "Peter Pan". A really crap score that drags the film down pactically every time it appears.

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