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DVDs & Films Forum

Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 17:24

Christopher Walken & Dennis Hopper in True Romance.


nuff said
sorry vern:P

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

Mick Golby (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 18:19

The opening scene of "Shot in the Dark". The best pratfall ever as Sellers steps out of the police car and falls into the pond, especially as, when seeing it in the Cinema for the first time, it was so totally unexpected.

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 18:37

Jaws - take yer pick from these two:

1) Quint telling the USS Indianapolis story - this sends a chill down my spine every time I hear it.

2) "Smile you son of a bitch" - but only in the original mono mix.

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

bear (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 19:04

Jaws - take yer pick from these two:

When the girl is swimming near the buoy in the opening scences, you can almost feel that shark biteing your legs!

Come to think of it the whole film is full of great moments.

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 12:05

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 21:55

Pulp Fiction:- When big old fat John Travolta shoots Marvin by accident in the car. Totally funny the first time and the dialogue afterwards is just ace.

That is probably not my favourite film scene ever, its just the first one I could think of. Man think of "best ever" things hurts my brain. Ever had anyone ask you what your favourite film of all time is? Grrr brain overload!.......


RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 22:27

Steve McQueen trying to jump that damned fence in the Great Escape!

one day he`s gonna make it! lol

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!!
(by the way...did ya know that the Nazi biker chasing McQueen was actually McQueen too?! )

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 07:30

"(by the way...did ya know that the Nazi biker chasing McQueen was actually McQueen too?! )"

They cloned him!!!
I knew it!
I f*ckin Knew it!

I have been saying they have known how to clone people since the 50`s!

I told yer!

It`s a damn conspiracy I tell you, why do you think Elton John and Des O`Connor are still alive.

Damn those who besmirched my work!
Damn Them!

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

Mick Golby (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 18:23


you`re losing it :))))

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2000, 20:17

Best scene ever - De Niro and Pacino ad-libbing furiously over coffee in a totally quiet moment in `Heat` - "Brother, you are going DOWN..." - still makes me neck hairs stand on end seeing these two icons in the same scene...

Funniest scene ever : Pulp Fiction where Travolta/Jackson are drinking coffee ("when Bonnie goes out she buys s***. I buy gourmet") in Tarantino`s kitchen :

Tarantino : "Did you see a sign saying dead n***** storage ? You know why you didn`t see it ? COS IT`S NOT f***IN` THERE, that`s why. When Bonnie gets home I`m gonna get divoooorrrrced. And I don`t wanna get divoooorrrrced."

Sheer poetry by Tarantino...

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

yangshouwen (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd December 2000, 03:21

Best scene from the Killer or Hard Boiled? Jesus, too many brilliant set pieces in both, but if you do insist on the best scene in my book, it must be the ending of the Hard Boiled (it was a mix up between this and the end of The Killer). Chow yun Fat is one of the coolest actors, and shows just how to hold a gun and shoot hundreds of round without changing catridges, going though the Hospital and having that massive gun fight after gun fight in waltzy slo mo in one long set piece. Pure joy. had me mimicking his rolls and cartwheels for days on first viewing.

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