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    Erotibot (DVD Details)

    Unique ID Code: 0000144609
    Added by: Jitendar Canth
    Added on: 17/9/2011 16:59

    Changes made to Erotibot

    Revision 1

    Created on Saturday, 17th September 2011, 17:07
    Change Submitted by Jitendar Canth

    List of Changes:

      • Change #1 - DEAAAACDEAGBZjpgYBEEGBA
      • Change #2 - Can love prevail over sex, money, androids, and ninjas? <newline> <newline>Erotibot is the latest film from the production company behind the powerful earth, shattering Big Tits Zombie &amp; ultra bloody gorefest The Horny House of Horror. <newline> <newline>Tamayo (Mahiro Aine) is so adorable! From the time she was small she has been treated as the ultimate princess! Tomayo, is heiress to her wealthy family’s fortunes. In order to protect her from outside danger she is looked after by three android bodyguards. The first android is masterful and good looking. The second has beastlike strength, and the third is a clumsy misfit who can[apost]t seem to get anything right. He fantasises over his mistress and is adored by her. Together, the three androids help detect danger, and serve Tomayo during the day, and occasionally engage in after-dark [apost]bedroom protection[apost] as well... Life is good! <newline> <newline>Meanwhile another family member, Tsukiyo (Japanese AV star Maria Ozawa) who is jealous of Tomayo, hires a private detective to spy on her. He uncovers a dark secret that Tomayo is in fact the “bastard daughter” of a servant. When Tsukiyo discovers this, she is consumed by rage believing Tomayo to be an embarrassment to the family and not ‘pure blood’. Along with her servant Azami (Asami, The Machine Girl, Robogeisha), she plots to regain the inheritance she believes to be hers!!! Can she distract the three Androids long enough to exact her plan?! Who will the Androids serve in the end?! Which Android will win Tamayo[apost]s love??!! <newline> <newline>Love, tears, and laughs tell a fascinating story that will leave viewers satisfied with their choice in erotic Sci-fi Fantasy, and will answer that age old question "Do heiresses dream of erotic androids or cup noodles?” Erotibot is released on DVD in the UK by Bounty Films on 26 September 2011.

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      • Added tag DVD

    Initial Version

    Created on Saturday, 17th September 2011, 16:59
    First Submitted by Jitendar Canth