Changes made to Dove: The Adventures of Pinocchio

Revision 4

Created on Thursday, 3rd January 2013, 13:43
Change Submitted by Alan Titherington

List of Changes:

  • Title changed from Review to Dove: The Adventures of Pinocchio
  • Change #1 - <newline>
  • Change #2 - <Review<Descript
  • Change #3 - heading] <newline> <newline><newline>Pinocch
  • Change #4 - uscany). <newline> <newline><newline>The ori
  • Change #5 - in 1883. <newline> <newline><newline>Since t
  • Change #6 - most famous. <newline> <newline><newline>The opera b
  • Change #7 - ll know. <newline> <newline><newline>[url="/
  • Change #8 - g][/url] <newline> <newline><newline>Here, w
  • Change #9 - ish. <newline> <newline> <newline><newline><newline>Video <newline> <newline><newline>Ver
  • Change #10 - any) <newline> <newline> <newline><newline><newline>[he
  • Change #11 - heading] <newline> <newline><newline>With wh
  • Change #12 - n stage. <newline> <newline><newline>[url="h
  • Change #13 - url] <newline> <newline><newline>Extras <newline> <newline><newline>The
  • Change #14 - be seen. <newline> <newline><newline>[url="h
  • Change #15 - g][/url] <newline> <newline><newline>[headin
  • Change #16 - heading] <newline> <newline><newline>A new c
  • Change #17 - rmances. <newline> <newline><newline>It's su
  • Change #18 - he wait. <newline> <newline><newline>Dove's
  • Change #19 - or two. <newline> <newline><newline>Middlet
  • Change #20 - ould we. <newline> <newline><newline>[url="h
  • Change #21 - g][/url] <newline> <newline><newline>Its ama
  • Change #22 - or life. <newline> <newline><newline>Much of
  • Change #23 - erience. <newline> <newline><newline>And the
  • Change #24 - singing. <newline> <newline><newline>This is
  • Change #25 - e music. <newline> <newline><newline>Simmond
  • Change #26 - option. <newline> <newline><newline>In fact
  • Change #27 - gmaster. <newline> <newline><newline>[url="h
  • Change #28 - g][/url] <newline> <newline><newline>James L
  • Change #29 - larious. <newline> <newline><newline>There a
  • Change #30 - ath. <newline> <newline><newline>Thi
  • Change #31 - <newline>

Revision 3

Created on Wednesday, 1st April 2009, 08:15
Change Submitted by Alan Titherington

List of Changes:

    • Change #1 - 114208"][imgsmc=0000209740
    • Change #2 - 114212"][imgsmc=0000209744
    • Change #3 - 114211"][imgsmc=0000209743
    • Change #4 - 14"][imgsmc=000020

Revision 2

Created on Wednesday, 1st April 2009, 08:13
Change Submitted by Alan Titherington

List of Changes:

    • Change #1 - ll know. <newline> <newline>[url="/default.asp?a=0000114207"][imgmc=00002
    • Change #2 - .jpg|0000114207][/url] <newline>
    • Change #3 - <newline> <newline>[heading]Video <newline> <newline>[/heading]Very successful NTSC, which captures the immediacy of the live theatrical experience. There is no problem at all in any of the darker scenes (of which there are many) <newline> <newline> <newline>[heading]Audio[/heading] <newline> <newline>With whats seems to be a huge orchestra in the pit, the balance issues are brilliantly coped with here. There is no need to use the English subtitle option (as I have had to do a few times, even with English language tracks), due to the excellent recording, and also the fantastic diction from all on stage. <newline> <newline>[imgmc=0000209740.jpg|0000114208] <newline>[heading] <newline>Extras <newline> <newline>[/heading]The main extras consist of four interesting [apost]chats[apost] with the composer, librettist, conductor and director, two on each disc. In these, we discover quite a bit about the thoughts behind the production, and the issues raised when putting it all together. There is some repetition from all about what the show is all about, but this is probably to be expected. If anything I would have liked to have heard from some of the singers involved as well, and hopefully seen some [apost]behind the scenes[apost] work, but there is none there to be seen. <newline> <newline>[imgmc=0000209744.jpg|0000114212Video <newline> <newline>Very successful NTSC, which captures the immediacy of the live theatrical experience. There is no problem at all in any of the darker scenes (of which there are many) <newline> <newline> <newline>[heading]Audio[/heading] <newline> <newline>With whats seems to be a huge orchestra in the pit, the balance issues are brilliantly coped with here. There is no need to use the English subtitle option (as I have had to do a few times, even with English language tracks), due to the excellent recording, and also the fantastic diction from all on stage. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgsc=0000209740.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>Extras <newline> <newline>The main extras consist of four interesting [apost]chats[apost] with the composer, librettist, conductor and director, two on each disc. In these, we discover quite a bit about the thoughts behind the production, and the issues raised when putting it all together. There is some repetition from all about what the show is all about, but this is probably to be expected. If anything I would have liked to have heard from some of the singers involved as well, and hopefully seen some [apost]behind the scenes[apost] work, but there is none there to be seen. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgsc=0000209744.jpg][/url] <newline>
    • Change #4 - <newline> <newline>[imgmc=0000209743.jpg|0000114211url=""][imgsc=0000209743.jpg][/url] <newline>
    • Change #5 - <newline> <newline>[imgmc=0000209746.jpg|0000114214url=""][imgsc=0000209746.jpg][/url] <newline>

Revision 1

Created on Monday, 16th March 2009, 09:09
Change Submitted by Alan Titherington

List of Changes:

    • Change #1 - itself. This is
    • Change #2 - <newline> <newline> <newline>There are some very beautiful and moving sections dotted throughout the work, most notably being Lampwick[apost]s (Allan Clayton) constant yearning for a land where a boy may not need to work, or learn. It appears again at the end, just before his death. <newline> <newline>This true ensemble piece deserves more and more outings. It has just had its US premiere in Minnesota, but will always remain the [apost]property[apost] of Opera North, and this DVD is a perfect record of a great performanceJames Laing[apost]s performances as the fox and coachman (sounds like a pub there) are fantastic, his strong counter-tenor voice carrying over some heavy orchestration, and the teamwork between him and the slimy Mark Wilde as the cat is hilarious. <newline> <newline>There are some very beautiful and moving sections dotted throughout the work, most notably being Lampwick[apost]s (Allan Clayton) constant yearning for a land where a boy never needs to work, or learn. It appears again at the end, just before his death. <newline> <newline>This true ensemble piece deserves more and more outings. It has just had its US premiere in Minnesota, but will always remain the [apost]property[apost] of Opera North, and this DVD is a perfect record of a great performance from a great company.

Initial Version

Created on Sunday, 15th March 2009, 22:55
First Submitted by Alan Titherington