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Page 2 of Bloody Windows update! Again!

PCs & Mobiles Forum

RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 14th February 2022, 09:37

I wonder if you are just having HDD issues and this is how it's expressing itself. Hope you have all the important data backed up!


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RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 14th February 2022, 23:28

It's odd being able to use my PC virtually normally in Safe mode, when the likes of ME and 7 barely had the functionality of 3.1 on a good day. I have access to more or less everything, so backing up won't be a problem

I'm coming to the conclusion the issue is rooted in Windows Update, which is just not there any more. I'm not fancying the idea of reinstalling everything, so I'm going to try the windows creation tool route at the weekend, as i think it might take some time

Writer`s Release

RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 14th February 2022, 23:42

Pete-MK says...
"I'm not fancying the idea of reinstalling everything"

I don't blame you at all! Doesn't Windows have a refresh option that fixes everything?


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RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2022, 00:14

Yep, in that Windows update bit. I've gone through most of the usual tricks but I'm hampered by the lack of that particular function. Even trying restoring through the BSOD front end options isn't working. The recovery data is in a partition on my main HDD labelled as D: and I have a second older HDD (E:) that's just there for extra storage.

Luckily as I can still get to everything (once I sorted the BIOS out) I'm not that stressed or panicky about the situation as I was the last time my system borked itself, so I can take my time trying to figure this crap out

Writer`s Release

RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2022, 08:37

How are you getting into this 'Safe mode' that's allowing you do work almost normally?
Doesn't seem too Safe to me if it's loading drivers and almost everything else you need - and equally could be causing a problem.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2022, 11:44

Safe mode with networking from this screen

I haven't tried to do anything outlandish. I can browse all my files. Firefox seems to be fully functional & it can play video files via VLC. I'm not trying to fire up GTAV as I'm pretty sure that would be a stretch.

Thus far I'm using it primarily as a research tool to try and figure out how to get the bloody thing working properly again
Writer`s Release

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th February 2022, 11:47

RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2022, 11:49

Aah, that's a standard option.  There will be lots you would not be able to do but the networking option will give you FF and local networking options too.
Attached hardware and some software would be a different matter though.
You're probably using a built in graphics driver too, not NVidia or whatever is installed.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 16th February 2022, 15:35

Not getting desperate to the point I'm venturing onto page 2 of Google, but it is making me more aware of how much damage M$ have done. Not only is there little to nothing in the way of the Windows update service, but I was interested to find there's a way of rolling back using Windows defender. All you have to do is open up Windows Security....

I have no windows Security. There's nothing there, at all.

I may actually have to pick up a phone this evening.

Writer`s Release

RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th February 2022, 19:37

If you're sure this was caused by a Windows Update, have you tried the Remove Windows Updates option from the Advanced start-up option in the Recovery section of Update & Security?  There are also options for startup repair and System Restore.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Bloody Windows update! Again!

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 17th February 2022, 21:09

Well, looks like it wasn't.

Trying to use restorehealth commands in  powershell  but it can't read the source file (from media creation tool) I have on the second hard drive, or USB. Tried to change settings in Group Policy editor but the option to change isn't there

They've really done a number on me this time.

Writer`s Release

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